Chapter Nine

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Dinah's POV

When we arrived back to Lauren's house, we opened the front door hearing someone's screams bouncing off the walls. The girls and I followed the noise, leading us to the lounge room as we all witnessed Taylor simultaneous puffing in rage and bellowing at the top of her lungs to the person on the phone.

"How dare you! Am I some kind of genie that will give you more wishes for second chances?! I've given you a chance and now go back to your boys to grow that damn ego of yours to make up for your pea sized brain! Don't bother calling me again!" Taylor roared, catapulting her phone across the room to only hear a loud crash. Before any of the girls could get closer to Taylor, she ran out of the lounge room and started pacing around the house with her head in her hands, murmuring words under her breath. 

I have never seen Taylor snap at anyone before. She was so vexed that I almost didn't recognise her. In a sense I believe it runs in the Jauregui family. I've first hand seen Lauren snap at people and it isn't pretty. With all the years that I've spent with Lauren, she is typically an optimistic person but when someone has the guts to piss her off I got to say that if looks could kill, she'd be the next wanted criminal. 

The last time I saw Lauren explode was when a group of guys were harassing us when we went to the beach. All we wanted to do was to swim and get a tan in peace but the guys just kept asking us to join them with their friends. Obviously we turned down nicely but as persistent as they were, Lauren snapped and I had to hold her back because I knew damn well that the strangers were going to be dead. It took a long period of time for Lauren to calm down so I'm going to assume Taylor is just the same. 

Hearing the front door open, Y/N entered the house with sleep written all over her face and saw Taylor's state which immediately changed with confusion. We all knew for a fact that Y/N was the best at comforting people. She's always there to give solid advice, a shoulder to lean on or simply to allow the person to let out some steam. Even though she isn't the eldest out of the six of us, she definitely acted more mature than her current age.

"Hey little one, you alright?" Taylor turned her head to Y/N and jumped into her arms. Y/N rubbed her back and saw the girls and I, mouthing that she'll take Taylor to her bedroom. Watching Y/N pull Taylor up the stairs, we decided to give them space so I went back to the lounge room to retrieve Taylor's phone. 

I grabbed the phone and all the girls surrounded it, inspecting the damage she made on her phone. Pressing the home button, the screen started flickering on and off and cracks spreading outwards from the centre. Well there goes her phone. Maybe the girls and I can get her a new iPhone for her birthday that's coming up. 

Lauren took the phone out of my hands and unlocked Taylor's, hovering her thumb over the home button. Immediately we all saw someone spamming Taylor with texts. Lauren clicked onto the messages and decided to scroll to the very beginning for us to understand Taylor's rage.

[5:35pm] Taylor: Explain yourself. -photo attached- 

[5:35pm] MainMan: Where did you get that photo?

[5:35pm] Taylor: Does it matter where I got it from?

[5:36pm] Taylor: I'm guessing the lack of explanation tells me enough.  

[5:40pm] MainMan: I know it looks bad but Tay it was an accident!

[5:40pm] Taylor: You're telling me that "it was an accident" that you were kissing another girl that isn't your girlfriend? Tell me where is the lie?

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