Chapter Fifteen

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Camila's POV

"Since we didn't come alone, we will let your mum speak with you." I said timidly as the girls and I walked back out of the cemetery to leave L/M/N alone with Y/N. The entire walk back to the car, it was silent. Not an uncomfortable silence but more of a relaxed atmosphere for all of us to think to ourselves.

"Do you think it was a good idea bringing Y/M/N here?" We got to the car and waited for Lauren to unlock the car.

"I'm sure Y/M/N needed some closure. I mean we all did but Y/M/N doesn't know that Y/N is still here with us but not in human form." We all nod our heads in agreement to Lauren as we buckled up to our way back to Lauren's house.


(Skip all the way to the house)

We all walked in the house and sluggishly sprawled onto the couches in the lounge room. I actually didn't realise how exhausted I have been because of what has happened today. I also didn't realise how hungry I was till I felt my stomach gurgle. To be fair we haven't actually had a proper meal today and I'm surprised it took me this long to feel hungry.

"Guys I'm starving." I whine as I squirmed around on Dinah's lap to annoy her. 

"Mila stop moving around so much. Just order some pizza or something." Dinah rolled her eyes and immediately we all held our fingers to our noses. Unluckily for Normani being the last one, she took out her phone and put the call on speaker. 

"Hello this is Rico from Doughlicious, how can I help you?" (Haha get it? Okay I'll hide in a corner)

"Hi could I place an order for two barbecue meatlovers, one hawaiian and one cheese pizza?"

"Sure is that for pick up or delivery beautiful?" he said in a flirtatious voice. I nudged Dinah and raised my eye brows suggestively. The guy was trying his best but I doubt it was going to work on Normani. She has standards and they had to be met so there was no way the guy on the phone had any chance.

"Delivery at (Lauren's address)." Normani said in an unimpressed tone. I don't think it was the first time a worker at Doughlicious has tried hitting her up. 

"I'll be there in twenty minutes. Maybe when I come over to yours we coul-" he said before I saw Y/N standing at the door with a smirk on her face. It didn't take long for Y/N to place herself beside Normani and spoke out loud for the worker to hear. 

"Hey baby I missed you. Why don't you come to the bedroom so I can give yo-"  Y/N said in a hoarse voice which made the girls and I laugh as soon as the call ended abruptly. The way she said that sentence was probably too sensual for Ally's holy ears as she got up from her seat and chased Y/N around with a pillow.

It was pretty crazy how Y/N could really pull off a male's voice. Like honestly I've got to admit that her husky male voice was hot just like that one time when Dinah and Y/N pranked us. I wasn't the only one who thought her voice was extremely pleasing to the ears. 

Y/N came back with Ally on her back, giving her a piggy ride with a smile on her face. Ally still didn't seem so impressed when Y/N lowered the shorter girl down on the couch with her arms crossed and faced away from Y/N. 

"Oh come on Als. To be fair I was going to say 'massage'. You didn't have to jump the gun on me." Y/N pouted as she embraced Ally in a hug. It didn't take long for Ally to eventually forgive Y/N as she hugged Y/N back.

It was weird how Ally had this little soft spot for Y/N. Like whenever the girls and I did something bad or inappropriate, she would got mum mode on us and simply discipline us till we gave in. Although for Y/N was totally different but I think the girls and I all have a soft spot for Y/N. I mean who wouldn't? The girl was practically the sweetest human on the planet, well spirit. She keeps her friends at bay from any type of danger or sadness because she merely a genuinely loving person.

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