Chapter Seven

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Ally's POV

"Why does it look like you had an unfinished tattoo on your arm Y/N?" Dinah said, bringing all the girls eyes towards Y/N's arm. Her eyes bulged and had an uneasy facial expression but soon her troubled face dropped.

"It's not a 'tattoo'. I mean, I did die at a fairly young age and I'm sure you all know that my fifteen year old self would not get a tattoo. It could be just a scar?" Y/N said as if she was questioning herself.

I could tell that Y/N was lying through her teeth. I was surprised that the rest of the girls didn't see through it but I knew that fact that Y/N couldn't lie if her life depended on it. I remember seeing her tattoo looking symbol on her arm look differently the moment I saw her in Taylor's room. So I definitely have my suspicions.

After the song on Lauren's phone ended, our very first song began to play. We haven't discussed with her what our job actually was but I could tell that in her head that she had some ideas.


I'm breaking down, gonna start from scratch
Shake it off like an Etch-A-Sketch
My lips are saying goodbye
My eyes are finally dry

Y/N looked at Camila and saw her grumble. The song continued on and I honestly didn't want to listen to the song anymore. I don't think this is how we want Y/N to find out what we do through our fetus song.


I'm not the way that I used to be
I took the record off repeat
You killed me, but I survived
And now I'm coming alive

I eyed Lauren to change the song so she scrambled to her phone and immediately changed the song. The girls and I gave a sigh in relief as 1975 took over our song, making Y/N give us a confused look to our reaction. Just before Y/N could ask about the sudden action from Lauren, the van came to a stop. I took a breath in, hearing all the yelling and cheering of our arrival. Out of all days, it had to be the worst when Y/N was invited. We all nodded to each other and opened the side door, bracing ourselves from the people outside.

One by one the girls and I got out of the van seeing many Harmonizers and photographers that were either yelling our names for attention or wanting photos. I went over to the Harmonizers, giving them hugs and thanking them for the love and support for us. I kept hearing a lot of yelling from one particular male photographer that couldn't leave me alone. I turned to face him, hoping that he would just take the photo he needed so he could stop hollering at me and to leave me alone.

The moment I turned to the photographer, I felt so blinded by all the flashes and screaming. I then felt someone grasp onto my arm very tightly, making me yelp in pain. Lauren who was the closest to me heard my pain and ran towards me. I tried my hardest to wriggle out of the person's grip but they strengthened their hand more tightly.

"Hey man. Release her." Lauren said sternly, trying to pull the guy's dry hands off me which gave him the opportunity to use his other hand to grab onto Lauren's arm. She too yelped in pain as he held us tightly on our forearms alerting Dinah to steer her attention to us.

"Hey let them go!" Dinah yells. Just as Dinah was about to come towards us, the sound of Harmonizers screamed in excitement, asking questions 'Oh my god who is that?', 'She's cute' behind me. I looked at what all the commotion was about and I saw Y/N coming out of the van wearing Lauren's hoodie and Dinah's snapback. She scanned the area and stopped at me. In a flash, she pulled Lauren and I to her arms and as Big Rob pushed the photographers far as possible, telling the girls and I to go inside the building.

Pushing our way through, we finally entered the building but we didn't stop running. When turning to a corner, the elevator doors open and without hesitation we rushed in. When the doors close, we all take a breather and I press the level button to the studio.

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