Chapter Thirteen

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"What are you doing on this property?!" a voice boomed. I froze in my spot and wished the girls were going to be okay.

"We're so sorry. We wanted to come here to remember a bit of our childhood." a calm voice answered back, probably being Ally. There was a pause and the sound of a few footsteps to then come to a halt.

"Oh god my I'm so sorry for not recognising you girls. You girls have definitely grown into beautiful women." the voice said. Thinking that it wasn't so bad I peeked my head out of the hiding spot to see a woman's back hugging the girls one by one.

"Thanks but who are you?" I hear a multiple of slaps that was going to Dinah's way and the woman chuckled at the girls. The girls seem to be in shock, like something had finally clicked with them and started ball their eyes out. The woman brought all the girls into her arms to console them and she then spoke up, not realising the salty taste of my tears running down my face.

Your Mum's POV

"With those faces I am sure that you've all realised that I'm Y/M/N." The girls nodded and I felt the corners of my lips raise up. I haven't seen or heard from these girls in such a long time. To be real honest, it has forever since I've surrounded myself with other people ever since my only daughter's passing. It was the only way I could cope with my loss at the time and now it's turned into the norm.

"Not to sound rude but do you girls have a reason as to why wanted to come back here?" Their expressions was conflicting as if they were debating if they should tell me but I didn't try to pry out their thoughts because I was respectable of their own decision whether or not they want to tell me.

"It's been five years since we've seen her and I guess we wanted to reminisce back to the old times." Normani said making me nod at their intentions. It wasn't every day that I came here but I could empathise so well with them. It wasn't only me that lost someone dear that I wasn't able to see them grow and live a full life on that day, the girls also lost a best friend that wasn't able to experience their lives together and have more talks about work, interests and love life. I felt my eyes start to water at the thought of my daughter. No parent ever wants their child to pass before they do, it's just heart breaking.

I forced to look up to collected myself from crying and turned around to the basketball pole, not wanting to girls to see me in a saddened state. For some reason, something in me told me to walk towards the basketball pole and I took a few steps and recognised a new tally. It can't be. There was no way that the tally had an extra one. I come here too often to nitpick all the little things. What if it was Y/N? Could it be that she is still al-

"Is there something wrong Y/M/N?" one of the girls questioned. There could be possible that one of the girls drew it. Let's ask.

"Just a question, did any of you girls touch this pole by any chance?" The girls looked back to one another and shook their heads. It's got to be. There's no way I'm going crazy.

"Girls," I took a pause, hoping that I wouldn't sound so senile, "I think Y/N was here." their eyes widened and walked closer to me. "It sounds completely crazy of me to say this but I come here too often to not notice some changes. One of those changes was an extra tally mark on the pole." I searched their eyes and they looked at me with shock but also sympathy? Dinah's face lit up and spoke up.

"Would you like accompany us to visit Miami Cemetery Point? We haven't gone there yet and I think it will help you cope with things." The one place that I could never go back after being all alone when we buried her. Though if I was ever going to move on, I would have to visit that place one more time. 

I agreed with them and we went into our own separate cars, driving off to the graveyard. I couldn't help but be anxious of returning to the memories of leaving Y/N at that cemetery. All I remember was crying uncontrollably as her casket lowered into the ground.

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