Chapter Ten

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Your POV

"... and that's how we're going to prank them." Dinah grinned evilly. I knew the moment Dinah woke me up she wanted to do a prank. Her infamous devilish smirk instantly gave it away that she wanted me to partake in her scheme to give the girls a 'little scare'. 

For all I remember, the pranks Dinah and I have pulled off are pretending to be each other's significant others by dressing up, pouring large amounts of liquids as a mixture of paint, glitter and a lot of glue when they were sleeping, waking everyone up by using ten speakers in the room to play an air horn sound when we had sleep overs and more. Though as much as that prank to wake the girls up with the air horn was for all the girls, I told Dinah that we shouldn't do it on Ally because of her sensitive ears so I complied to carry her into a different room from the other girls. I even made sure to put on ear muffs for extra precautions. Let's just say that the safety precautions worked as Ally slept through the entire things as the girls, not so much. 

I swear that was the last time we did anything crazy to wake them up to and now this prank was going in that same direction. Although Dinah and I promised the girls to never do a prank that involved them getting woken up from our evil deeds, I didn't want to back down because Dinah's idea made me super excited. Also I feel prank deprived so there's no turning back.

"I'm in. Let's set up for this prank." Dinah nodded as she went through Lauren's makeup drawer while I went through Dinah's phone to look up for tutorials on YouTube onto how to use makeup to create fake bruises on the face and arms. 

After a few minutes of research on the tutorials, I gave back Dinah her phone when she came back with a handful of makeup. I began picking out the makeup I needed to design the beautiful masterpiece of bruises on my body. I decided to use some eye shadow that was a bit darker than my skin and applied it on my left cheekbone. I then incorporated in some red, blue and purple to make it more believable.

"Oh my god Y/N. That looks so real." Dinah gasps as she returns from putting the rest of the makeup back into Lauren's drawers. I smile at her and continue to work on the masterpiece. Dinah takes out her phone and points it straight at me and I start pulling silly faces, assuming that Dinah was going to document the transformation process.

"Hello girls. This prank that DJ and I are going to do on you all that has been overdue. I know we both promised you girls to never do a prank that will wake you up from anything bad but both of us love you all so please don't kill us. I know you girls care for me because I'm so prank deprived." I said, shaking my hands like I was in need of something to relieve me. Dinah giggled and ruffled my hair. I swatted her hand away from my hair and resumed to put the makeup on my arm.

"Hey that scar of yours is fading pretty fast." Dinah pulled the arm with the image close to her as she noticed the 'quick healing' of the tattoo. I didn't want to show any reaction to the news so I shrugged it off and did the final touches to my arms. 

Even with all this fun to distract me from the time I have left on Earth doesn't keep my mind at ease. I still have no clues to who gave me the necklace and I haven't made any progress on it either. Maybe I could get the girls to take me to my childhood place to find out more about myself. It could trip a memory on my entire life.

"That should do it. With these fake bruises, there is no way that the girls wouldn't be convinced." Dinah gave her infamous look as I ran my fingers through my hair to give it a puffy effect. 

We both quietly went downstairs to see if any of the girls were awake. To our luck, they were still sound asleep. Dinah and I grabbed everyone's phone and hid them under a cushion. We walked to the kitchen and I started doing a few jumping jacks and push-ups. Dinah looked at me weirdly as finished my twentieth push up. I took the tomato sauce bottle out of the fridge and opened the lid, pouring some on my hand.

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