Chapter Seventeen

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Your POV

"Rise and shine! We have a big day ahead of us!" I heard Ally yell at the top of her lungs with a stick in hand, banging the bottom side of our cooking pan. I rubbed my eyes open and somehow witnessed Dinah and Normani cuddling in each other's arms. If I remembered correctly, the two were on each side of the tent last night. Probably one of them woke up in the middle of the night and moved to the other side of the tent.

I got up from my position and covered the blanket I had on for the two girls. Knowing those two, they won't wake up any time soon without the smell of food being their alarm clocks. With Lauren, Camila and Taylor also dead asleep besides me, I didn't mind waking up to help Ally with the cooking. I'm going to use this time to talk one on one with Ally. Plus cooking with her is fun since she's a ball of sunshine.

I changed out of the clothes I wore yesterday and wore a swim suit under a jumper and sweatpants because I heard a stream of water coming from the area Taylor and I walked around last night for the fuel wood. I'm pretty sure it's a waterfall, plus I haven't swam in a long time so why not use this time to go have some fun.

Exiting out of the tent, I zipped it so the tent would be half closed just so when the food is ready, the girls can smell the food and get out of sleep land.

"Morning Ally. How did you sleep?" I hugged her from behind to then take a seat next to her as she was frying some bacon in one pan and eggs in another. Talk about that crazy multitasking.

"Like a baby. Your singing calmed us all last night. Help me cook the bacon?" she passed me a spatula so I could flip over the bacon. We continued to cook in silence till the thought of wanting to tell Ally about me leaving tonight. It's taking everything in me to not give in to myself so easily. I don't want to ruin this day nor do I want to leave the girls in a complete mystery when I won't be in the tent with them tomorrow. Though I guess that's what the letters are for.

"Ally tell me what's happened over the past five years. I want to know everything from school, work, family, guys, anything!" I suggestively nudged at Ally. She laughed and shook her head.

"If you really want to know, school was hard the moment you left us. It was excruciating when people at school or family friends came up to the girls and I with 'sorry' or 'everything is going to get better' because we weren't okay. Nothing was okay for you to die the way you did that day. Sometimes I would blame myself for your death. I-If I had just made it on t-time then we could have saved you-u." I took the pans off the fire and pulled Ally to my arms. I felt tears seeping through my jumper but I didn't care. It must have been so tough for the girls and especially Ally having the mentality of it being her fault must have eaten the inside of her mind slowly and painfully.

"Ally you have nothing to blame yourself for. It wasn't your fault okay? You couldn't have known Jonathan's intentions that day? I mean I didn't either. Neither did Chris who was best friends with Jonathan so don't beat yourself up." she nod her head and used the back of her hand to wipe her tears away. She put the pan back on the fire and her sadness was fading away as she began to talk again.

"Like you already know about the girls and I's job, we are in a girl band called Fifth Harmony. Our songs have soared into Billboard Hot 100 and the first top-five by a girl group in a decade on that chart." I whistled out at their success. That is some crazy achievements the girls have made within the five years without me.

"That's amazing Ally! Congratulations on all the success you girls have achieved so far. Of course I knew it all along because you girls used the same band name I suggested in music class." I took off the cooked bacon off the pan and onto a plate, placing more bacon on the pan to cook. "But now I want to know about guys that are or were in your life. You can't be lying to me now missy. I know you had a thing with Ogletree so spill the details."

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