Chapter Sixteen

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Your POV

"Aw look at them holding each other! They're so adorable."

"Shh Dinah you're too loud."

"DJ stop pushing me. I can't take clear photos of them if you're constantly shaking me."

I stirred around and felt a weight on my shoulder, like literally on my right shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and saw that the sun had already rose for the next day. I turn to see Camila's head resting in the crook of my neck. As cute as she may seem at this very moment, I could feel the collar of my shirt going a bit damp due to her drooling. I totally forgot the Camila drools when she gets super sleepy or knocked out. 

I move my head around to find myself tissues but to have five pairs of eyes staring at both Camila and I. I gently place a pillow under Camila's head for support as I get off the couch to stretch out my limbs and retrieved a few tissues to wipe off the remaining saliva coming off from Camila's mouth.

"So you all ready to go on this trip?" I yawned as I scrunched the tissue and climbed onto Dinah like a koala as she held my legs so I wouldn't fall. (I literally yawned when I typed this)

"I packed at least three days worth of food and made sandwiches if anyone gets hungry on the way there." Without giving a verbal response, I hummed and let myself get back onto my feet to help Dinah carry all the bags into Lauren's car. I still don't understand why there are so many bags for a very small trip but I could bet on anything that most of the bags were from Normani. Normani over packs clothes more than the other girls and I combined.

I saw Taylor walk out of the house with pure joy. God I hope she won't hate me after this trip but who wouldn't if the person you know wouldn't be there to verbally say happy birthday in person.

"Hey you ready for this trip?" Taylor smiled and placed her bags in the trunk of the car. 

"It's been such a long time since I've camped so this is going to be fun!" I was trying to hide the guilt of not telling her the entire truth of what was the come for me in less than forty eight hours. I would hate me too if I left my friends unnoticed without a goodbye or explanation.

Placing the last bag into the car, the girls got into the car and I notice that Camila hasn't come out of the house yet.

"Girls is Camila ready?" They shrug their shoulders and I roll my eyes being the only one bothered to get out the car to find Camila. I go back into the house and call out for Camila but no response. I'm sure she's somewhere. 

I walk upstairs and listen out for any signs of Camila. I listen closely and can hear some shuffling in Taylor's room. Opening the door slowly to witness Camila flipping through all these notes and pages on Taylor's desk which gets me puzzled. What exactly was she trying to find?

"Mila you alright? Everyone's waiting for you so we can go to the camping site." I startle Camila as she jumps in her spot when hearing my voice. 

"God you scared the living day lights out of me Y/N. I was just trying to find a note but it's not important so let's go." Camila says with her hand over her chest, regaining her fright. She quickly bolts out of the room, leaving me to fully take in the room for the last time. I took out the letters that was in my pocket to count, not wanting to have any miss any of the girls. 

Last night was my chance to write the words I wouldn't be able to say on the remaining night that I would have with the girls before getting the verdict if I was able to get redemption for another life. I know it's selfish and cowardly of me to not tell the girls everything but I made sure that in each letter was significantly important to that person, covering over the memories I had with them to explaining the entirety of me accepting the deal from Crook.  

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