Chapter Eight

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Your POV

"Why the long faces guys? Didn't want me here? I'll just go." I jokingly said, pretending to get up and go to the elevator. Ally grabbed onto my arm as the other girls simply rolled their eyes at me.

"I'm only kidding but seriously what's up?" The girls looked at each other and Normani spoke up.

"You know how today you became Lo's and Al's saviours?" I hummed in response, "well the entire world saw it happen so you could say you're a topic everyone is talking about."

Well that wasn't a huge surprise. There were lots of people who had camera out so that would make sense but it seemed that the girls were scared to tell me about people wanting to know me. To be fair if I saw a famous person with an unknown person who isn't seen with them would make everyone question. Just thinking about it made me laugh. The girls raised their eye brows as I wiped a fake tear from my eyes from laughing too much.

"I'm not worry about people talking about me. It's not like people could actually recognise me after all. I have been dead for five years remember?" The room was silent and maybe now was my chance to ask about the necklace. Come on Y/N you can do it, just don't make it suspicious.

"Actually I want to ask you girls some questions regarding myself actually." I timidly said. "I know you girls want to know where I went. To be honest I went back to my grave. I still don't remember a lot about myself like my family, childhood memories or how I got this necklace in the first place. I didn't get flashbacks today so I was wondering if you girls will shed some light on who I am and all."

I didn't want to lie to them but I felt this was going to be the only way that wouldn't make any suspicions, hopefully the girls didn't catch onto some parts of the lie. Sorry girls.

"Well for starters you are an only child in the family. I don't think you talked to us about your father and what he does but I remember that your mother worked as a nurse and her name is Y/M/N. We never realised that we all went to the same school and had music class together." Camila said scrunching her face in thought.

"Don't forget how Y/N was on the basketball and track team. I swear you weren't human, being able to keep your grades and your athletic abilities at top notch." Dinah says. Hearing that I did music and sports made me remember something.

*** Flashback ***

After exiting out of the shower rooms, I saw the girls were outside waiting for me. They knew I'd be here since I was on the basketball team and since we had music together next period they'd wait for me after I was done. When Dinah felt my presence, she ran happily towards me and clung onto the right side of my body.

"God Y/N, you got me under a spell. Why do you smell like this?" Dinah said holding onto my arm tightly.

It was a daily ritual. I'd take a shower after training from either track or basketball and Dinah would engulf me into her arms. At first I'd have to admit that she was crazy since I had just smelt like the sewers before having the shower but I've gotten used to it so no biggie. It just happens that she really liked the soap I'd use at school.

"I had to hit the showers after basketball today. You have no idea how sweaty I was. I thought I was going to drown in my own sweat." I exaggerate, making the girls laugh. Coach was so inhumane that he made the team do so many drills on shooting and our stamina. I like to say that I'm a fairly fit person but today I felt like everyone else. Exhausted and unfit.

"But you smell so good and fresh." Dinah rubbed her nose against my hair. I laughed at the thought of her being 5'8 snuggling close to someone who was 5'3.

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