Chapter Five

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Your POV

After all the girls had jumped onto the bed to cuddle around me, they dozed off to sleep. I didn't feel tired but I had closed my eyes because it felt right to. Though I could tell that I didn't need sleep but it felt nice to allow myself to do human things. I mean, it was only hours ago that I had woken up on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere, not knowing anything about myself and being invisible to the naked eye. I still don't know a lot about myself but I'm glad of the progress I've made.

I felt someone moving off the bed, making me slowly peak with my left eye to see what was going on. One of the girls walked towards Taylor's desk to search for something and then came back to the bed. I soon guessed that someone was trying to pull a prank, aka Dinah Jane as the smell of sharpie hit my nose when she took the cap off.

I heard her giggling as she drew some doodles on everyone's face. She soon hovered over my face as I was going to be the next victim of her prank. I thought of an idea to give her a taste of my wrath. No, I don't mean that I was going to tackle her or anything, like she's stronger than me but I decided to want to give her a scare so the moment she almost inked my face with the permanent marker, I opened both eyes to show her that I caught her red handed.

She shrieked and fell off the bed, making a loud thump, waking up all the other girls. Ally and Normani immediately looked below and saw Dinah rubbing her sore bottom. The two had no clue what happened so they looked at each other to question why Dinah was on the ground and they began to laugh at each other's faces. The laughter brought Lauren, Camila and Taylor's attention to the noise and scanned everyone's face.

As the laughter of the two died down, everyone stared back at Dinah who was huffing like a spoilt five year old child who was told to not eat chocolate before dinner. I started to laugh as I remembered that I was the cause of Dinah's puffing and her sore bottom. Camila looked at me in confused and spoke her thoughts out.

"How come Y/N is the only one that doesn't have any drawings on her face?" Camila said, looking back towards Dinah. Dinah mumbled under her breath, probably embarrassed of what happened, so I decided to tell Camila what happened.

"As you can see, DJ fell off the bed because when she tried drawing on my face, I opened my eyes and I scared her, catching her red handed." I said, looking towards the girls. I heard 'You deserved that DJ' and 'Backfired', making me shake my head with a smile and played with my necklace. Just as I was about to ask what time it was, I heard the door open. The girls turned their heads to the door and I hurriedly buried my face in Camila's neck, not wanting to find out who was at the door.

"Is everything alright? I heard a thump and decided to check up on you girls." a deep voice said. I didn't recognise the voice, meaning that I hadn't run into or seen the person yet. I still felt unsure if I should look but I decided not to.

"Yeah, everything is fine dad. I'm guessing it's dinner time." Taylor said to the man at the door. Well that made it more clear, it was Mr. Jauregui. I don't remember much about him but maybe if I saw his face, I might get a flashback. I continued to stay inert, pretending that I was asleep in Camila's arms.

"Yep. Just make sure you wake up your friend so we all can eat together." he said, closing the door behind him and his steps got softer as he walked away. After hearing what he said, it felt that my non existing heart stopped. He could see -

"He could see you!" the girls said in unison. I got out of Camila's neck and continued to play with the necklace out of nervousness. I take a deep breath and get off the bed, bracing myself the weird look I'll get from the Jauregui family.

"I should get going. I know it could be possible that your dad," looking at Lauren and Taylor, "could see me but then that would put a confusing situation for your family. After all, your mum and Chris wasn't able to see me." I said taking another deep breath in. The girls stood on their feet and gave me a hug in reassurance that everything will be okay.

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