Chapter Twelve

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Your POV 

After I had tried on the rest of the outfits for the girls to see, I decided to put back on the first outfit I showed because the rest of the outfits consisted of long pants and shirts that would expose too many sweat marks that I was starting to accumulate from the lack of air conditioning in this clothes store. Or it could be the fact that the girls constantly push me to change faster into each outfit. When Normani said about her and the girls covering to pay all the items the girls thought I looked good in, she was not playing around. The girls actually took out money from their wallets to chip in to pay for me. What did I deserve to have good friends like these five?

I wonder what would have happened if Taylor had never bumped into me at that pedestrian crossing area. Would I still be in the same position I am as of right now if I didn't? How far would I have gone on my own? Just ho-

"Y/N stop thinking so hard. You're going to get more wrinklier than a bulldog before you hit thirty." Lauren flicked the center of my creased forehead and placed my hand onto my chest, pretending to take offence to her words.

"How could you Lo? I thought you knew me well enough that I am not into bulldogs. Corgis are a whole new conversation though. Why would you put me in such an uncomfortable situation?" I gasped and feeling my body slightly move from getting shoved by Lauren in response. I playfully stuck my tongue out at her to be smacked on the arm from someone behind me as well as Lauren getting the same treatment.

"Owwie mama. What was that for?" I rubbed my arm not actually thinking that she would hit me so hard. I pouted towards the little figure who rolled her eyes at Lauren and I.

"You girls got to stop being so childish. How does someone go from being all mature and selfless to being a five year old child?" Ally shook her head as Lauren and I looked to each other to shrug our shoulders.

Ally had always been the best candidate of being the mother in the group. I would say that I'm the runners up for that position since I'm sure the girls know that they come to me whenever they had any issues. I liked the concept of being able to comfort someone and to solely focus on solving their problems. I have noticed myself that I would be too serious at times for no reason so bringing out the inner child in me brought me balance.

"I'm sowwy but can't we just have some fun?" I pursed my lips and giving my best puppy dog eyes. Ally heaved a groan and walked to the counter with the rest of the girls. I was about to walk out of the shop to only remember that I was wearing the outfit. I turn my heels and hold onto my necklace for the register person to see me in the clothes. One person isn't going to hurt right?

"Looking at the symbol now, you'll have one month maximum left to stay on this planet. That is if you don't force yourself to get people to see you."

Yeah I think one person should be fine. I walk my way to stand next to Normani who was paying all the clothes and points out that I was wearing one of the outfits.

"Oh yeah my friend here is going to wear one of the outfits if that is okay with you." Normani pointed out to the lady who didn't mind and scanned off the barcode tags on the clothes. Camila helped me by ripping off the price tags from the clothes that I was wearing, not being able to reach. The lady gave me the bags of clothing and we all exited the shop as I felt pleased with myself with being able to choose clothes out of my comfort zone. I have to thank Normani as soon as possible.

I have known for a fact that I struggle with accepting my body. I find that my body isn't as seen 'sexy' or 'cute' but rather perceived as bulky and a stronger built than other girls. I committed to basketball and track so much in my school days that I would train myself through many horrible workout sessions to perform the best for the team and for myself to keep in shape. Sometimes I wished that I didn't participate in sports but then I do remember the reason why I ever did sports was to release my pent up stress and anger.

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