Chapter Eleven

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Normani's POV 

Once I got my phone back from Y/N, a notification pops up on my lock screen from Sephora that they are having limited sales on all their products today. Finally! I've been dying for a new makeup pallet and a few set of false eye lashes. I didn't notice that I was a carbon copy of the Cheshire Cat till Y/N speaks up.

"What has given you the smiles Mani?" I moved my head to give my attention to Y/N as I looked towards her and jumped on the available space on the couch next to her. This could be a good chance for all the girls and I to take Y/N on a little shopping trip.

"There's a sale at Sephora and also we need to get you some clothes." she groans. We all know that Y/N has either been wearing the same clothes she wore on our first encounter or Lauren's clothes. I wasn't surprised from her reaction as I knew first hand that Y/N never liked shopping. Though if we were to ever go grocery shopping, she would volunteer to accompany us in a heartbeat.

"You girls seem to forget the fact that I have no money. Plus why can't I just borrow Lauren's clothes?" Of course Y/N would do anything in her power to find some kind of excuse to get out of these kind of situations but let's be real, the girls and I will do anything to dress her up to make her look cute. Y/N was the type to never show off her entire body and even with the body she has right now was for sure the embodiment of body goals. Sure she had a six pack from all the sports she signed up for at school but the girl had curves and her back side is damn voluptuous.

"Don't worry, we will cover for you." The girls and I looked at each other and grouped around Y/N, blocking her off from running away from us. We basically dragged Y/N off the couch and tugged her towards the door as she tried her best to hold her ground.

"Plus you're better off wearing something that's more your style Y/N." Lauren said as Y/N puffed in defeat. We pulled her to the front of the house and waited for Lauren unlock her eight seated car for us to get in. Of course Dinah had to call shot gun so the rest of us took the remainder of the seats as Camila and Ally paired up to sit next to each other so I sat with Y/N.

Luckily today is our day off from the studio, so we could use the entire day to go the biggest mall that had every shop to help our Y/N turn into the modern Cinderella. We just got to show off her toned legs, abs, butt and curves then bam we got ourselves a sexy Y/N. 

I know that no one else can visually see her but I have noticed multiple times over the days in the past when the six of us would go out or plan an outing, Y/N would wear clothes that didn't give her physical appeal justice. Not to say that her fashion was completely a ship wreck but it was like she was very self conscious about her body. So I want to help her conquer that today. What kind of friend would I be if I couldn't help her overcome an obstacle that improves the way she sees herself?

Driving our way to the mall, Lauren and Dinah are jamming out to Wild Thoughts by DJ Khaled and I think Ally and Camila are dead asleep. I assume that they didn't get enough sleep because we watched Nightmare On Elm Street last night and the two hate anything horror related so they need the nap if we are going to help style up Y/N. 

As for Y/N who is staring outside of the window, I feel her going into deep thoughts of god knows what. I never really knew or understood what goes through that girl's mind and I don't think the other girls know too. Times like this worry me just because that she is the selfless type, caring for everyone around her and giving them all the supportive words or actions the person needs but she was never the type to come to any of us if the roles were reversed. Not of what I know of anyways but she's never came to me when she was down or needed support. 

"Hey Mani, you okay?" Y/N said as she slightly shook my shoulders, bringing me back to reality from my zoned thoughts. I tried hiding a smile at the fact that she was worrying about me when I was in fact worrying about her. That's Y/N for you. 

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