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1 year later

Taylor's POV

"Yes that really happened. I specifically remember typing arsehat with the middle finger emoji. I certainly did not make that up. I've got the receipts to prove them too." everyone in the audience began to laugh and one of the helpers named Jessica passed on the microphone to another person with their hand up. The girl stood up at brought the microphone to their lips.

"Hello my name is Louisa and I wanted to ask about what was your inspiration for this book that you wrote for the competition which led you to being the best selling novel?"

"Wow that's a great question Louisa. Thank you!" I blew a kiss at the girls direction and she took a seat. "Inspiration can come from many things. Either it being off experience, a loss of person or the happiness in one's life. For me it was a mixture of all. It's like when a person who is mature or wise, they may have experienced the same or similar situation. Sometimes by writing through an experience is kind of a coping mechanism that helps you grow and move on. That's just me though. I'm not sure about other writers."

Jessica took the microphone and passed to another person at the far back.

"Hi I'm Kate and I'd like to know about how you came up with the title of your book." she sat down and gave the microphone back to Jessica.

"If you've read my book there's a specific person who I talk about in the book who went through some hardships as a child yet persevered into an incredible person that has a lovely soul. Thus titling the book Lovely Soul. Thank you for the question Kate.

"Okay we'll take one more question from the audience and then everyone can go line up for the signings." Jessica said which made people cheer in excitement. It's amazing how all these people are here just for me all because of a book I wrote one year ago. Jessica looked around and passed the microphone to a very cute guy who knew everything about this book except one part.

"Hey babe it's me. I needed to ask you one question and I think everyone here would like to know about the quotes at the beginning of the book and the end of the book." I smiled and shook my head. I knew he was going to ask that question but it's not like I can avoid this question any longer.

"Have I ever told you that you are annoying Jason?" I could hear him yell say which created a roar of laughter. "Anyways everyone knows that there are two quotes, one in the front and one at the back. I wouldn't go into too much depth of the quotes because I can go all day about them but someone once told me those words and it sticks by to me as a piece of memento."

I placed the microphone onto the microphone stand and waved my hand to the crowd to start lining up. With Jessica doing a great job at keeping all the people safe, I walked over to the table nearby and began signing people's copy for the book. I honestly didn't think I would have won the competition. It was just at the time of losing Y/N and how it affected the girls and I more than the first time we lost her. To this day the girls and I still search for Y/N. Today is the day that she disappeared so I'm going to go to her grave and just hope she'll be there to listen to me talk to her about my life and missing her.

Waving at the last person in line as they walked away, I slouched into my chair with my head hanging off the back of the chair. I felt extremely drained but it's worth it when people tell you that they love your work and how it's changed them in a positive way. Don't get me wrong I love this and all but at the end of the day I'm a thirteen year old girl who goes home to a family and sleeps at night. Well besides last night because I was too giddy to sleep because I was so excited for today.

"Excuse me ma'am would you so kindly open your beautiful eyes for me to see?" Even with my eyes closed, I rolled my eyes at the horrible cowboy accent from my boyfriend. I sat up and my eyes widened seeing my sister and her band mates standing right next to Jason.

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