Chapter Three

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Your POV

We started to walk out the cemetery and decided to catch up, talking on the way to Taylor's house. She told me how that her passion for writing grew and how one of her friends constantly pushed her to not give up when she lost her inspiration. She then spoke up about the same friend who also gave her the idea to apply in a writing competition that gave first place the chance to get one of their stories to be published. I obviously encouraged her to enter the competition. It meant that she was one step closer to her dreams. It makes me very proud of Taylor knowing that her worries when she was seven didn't impact her to this very day.

She continued to talk about her ideas for her book and I smile, just remembering how I had looked after this same kid who would always cry at the smallest things and now she's all grown up.

We soon came to a stop at the house that I had met seven year old Taylor. The house seemed in good condition from the outside. I wonder how long I've been dead for. I'd ask Taylor but I don't think that would be appropriate. I'll just have to find out the date so I'll know the limited of time I've got left on Earth.

"Come on Y/N, I'm sure everyone would be glad to see you again." she said happily, skipping to the door.

"Uh ... Tay, I don't think that's a good idea ..." I said as she was already at the door. I sighed and stood next to her. There was a fifty-fifty chance of her family not being able to see me. I don't remember the faces of Taylor's family but maybe I will remember after I encounter them again, just to jog my bad memory.

With Taylor knocking on the door like a mad man, the door finally opens and with a woman that I thought i wouldn't see again, Clara Jauregui. I remember her being so polite and always asked if I wanted to stay for dinner because I had always babysitted Taylor on a weekends from 9 am to 6 pm, as she had work. Not that I'm complaining. I don't think I ever quit being Taylor's babysitter but then I had probably lost the job since I passed.

*** Flashback ***

Knock knock.

I put my hands into my pockets and waited silently. Today is the first day of babysitting at this new residence and to say that I was nervous, was an understatement. People would tell me that I was very good with little kids. One of friends had asked me if I could look after one of her family friends daughter and I didn't mind. Plus I had to get myself some pocket money.

Hearing the door unlock and open, a woman in her 30's was at the door with a welcoming smile on her face. She wore a very nice floral dress that went a little bit under her knees and a red cardigan, with her dark brown hair tied back into a tight pony tail.

"Hello you must be Y/N," she said, allowing me inside of the house, "Thank you on taking this short notice. I was very desperate to find a babysitter."

"It's no problem at all Mrs Jauregui." I said sticking out my hand. The woman laughed, shaking her head and gave me a hug. I flinched at first but later hugged her back. She then released me out of her arms.

"Shoot, I'm going to be late," looking at her watch and then turning her head to the stairs, "TAYLOR JAUREGUI COME DOWN STAIRS AT THIS INSTANT!"

Soon later a pair of footsteps came towards us and the little girl hid behind her mother, not knowing who I was.

"Mija, this is Y/N. She'll look after you on the weekends when I'm working, so behave." she kneeling the eye level of her adorable child who was wearing a pink tutu.

The kid nodded her head and Mrs Jauregui soon bolted out of the house as both the child and I waved her goodbye. I turned back to the kid, not getting too close and kneeled at eye level so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

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