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Ever felt like you never really remembered what you had for dinner the night before? You always had that feeling of not knowing anything. Why? You're a wandering soul, seeking for some kind of closure to who you are or were. The only thing you have is a necklace of a bird and a shooting star.

You constantly walk around to hope for some kind of familiarity. Just as you are about to lose hope, a voice in the shadows spoke out to you:

"Let me make a deal with you. If you are able to find out who gave you that necklace, you can have your body back. But if you don't within 6 months, I get to have your soul. Deal?"

Would you take the deal? Aren't you just slightly curious to find out something about yourself and the people you use to know?


Hello reader! This is the first book that I have ever written in my life so don't be too harsh when you read it. 

For some reason I had the weirdest dream one night about being a ghost and I guess that's where I got my inspiration from. 

Vote and comment so I can reply to any burning questions you have or just to interact with others. 

Enjoy reading the book! 😀

Written from: May 5th, 2017 - Sept 26th, 2017

- Joy

Lovely Soul (Fifth Harmony/You)Where stories live. Discover now