Chapter Six

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Your POV

As my body felt being wrapped in a pair of arms, I opened my eyes and rubbed sleep out of them to see who had woken me up. I turned my head and saw that Ally was hugging my torso as the other girls were sprawled all over the bed. I wriggled myself out of Ally's arms and replaced my torso with a pillow. 

I staggered my way towards Taylor's desk and saw a sheet of paper that stood out to me. I picked it up and read the few words on the sheet:

Stories for the writing competition must be sent to before 11:50 pm on due date.

Ideas for the writing competition:

I then flipped the sheet to the other side, where they could possibly be more words but there were none. It definitely looked like that Taylor was lacking some creativity for her story. Maybe I could help her out. I'm not sure what exactly I'd say or ask but I know she can do it. I put the sheet back down where it originally was and heard a little groan behind me.

I spun around and saw Taylor sitting up on the bed as she stretched her arms above her head whilst yawning. She began to rub her left eye and scanned around the room as if she had no clue where she was. Her gaze stopped at me and her mouth hung open. I raised up my left eye brow simultaneously to her rolling to her right side and falling off the bed. She regained her composure, instantly standing up on her two feet and ran towards me as we crashed to the ground. She wrapped her arms around my neck and breathed in deeply. Was she smelling me?

"Uh ... little one, are you smelling me?" I said, lifting the top half of myself up with my elbows. Taylor didn't respond right away and continued to whiff me.

"Even though you're wearing Lauren's clothes, you have this distinct smell. It's so fresh, like mint." she says in a daze as she nuzzles her face into my neck. I laugh at her statement because I thought I'd smell like absolute manure considering that I woke up in the middle of a very dusty place. I bring myself onto my feet as Taylor continues to clings on my neck for her dear life and I groan at her laziness. 

The sound of a bird tweeting came from Taylor's pocket and her eyes widened. She hurriedly released herself off my neck, grabbed some articles of clothing that were in her cupboard and her school bag. 

"Sorry Y/N! I'm late for school!" she said as she ran out of the room and closed the door behind her. Well that was interesting to watch. I turned back to the bed and the girls were still dead asleep. I ran to the bed and shook the girls to wake them up but they didn't budge. I scanned the room to see that a clock on Taylor's bed side was flashing half past eight. I put past the idea of waking up the girls and rush to the toilet to change out of Lauren's clothes and into the clothes I wore yesterday.

I walk down stairs thinking I'd see Clara, Michael or Chris but I don't see anyone around. I sat myself onto the couch in the living room and felt really bored. Why don't I try to cook for the girls? I mean, I hope to God that it would be decent or edible enough. Also I don't have any money so I better not burn the house down. 

I got off my bottom and took a stroll to the kitchen. I find a clean nonstick pan and open up the fridge to see what I could whisk up for breakfast. I see the ingredients for pancakes, I think, and grab them out and start making the batter. I poured a bit of oil on the pan and began cooking the batter into perfect circles. As I waited for it to cook on one side, I grabbed some strawberries and bananas, cutting them into small pieces. I went back to the pan and flipped the pancakes over and saw that it was like a golden sun. 

Soon after I had made stacks of pancakes, I found a tub of Nutella and a bottle syrup in a cabinet. I'm not going to lie, I raided the entire kitchen to find them. Just as I placed the pan in the sink to wash up, I heard multiple of footsteps coming down the stairs and then to a stop.

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