Chapter Four

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Lauren's POV

Today the girls and I got a break from the studio. I love the fact that my job allows us to express how we feel through music. It's all thanks to our Harmonizers as we've grown from little fetus Harmony to the Fifth Harmony today.

I had messaged Taylor that I'd visit home soon and surprise the family since we've been busy with making out next album. Taylor and I have always had such a great relationship but over these few years, we've been nonstop texting each other things. She'd keep me updated on her ideas for her book that she wanted to be published from competition but she kept telling how she couldn't make up her mind and lacks inspiration.

I put my phone in my pocket and my eyes started to droop, making me doze off to sleep.


(Skip all the way to the house)

I felt someone lightly push me and I stirred.

"Five more minutes." I slurred and turned my body so that I was facing away from whoever was trying to wake me up.

"Lauren Michelle, we are at your house. Hurry up and get yourself out of the car." Ally said.

I shot up and looked out of the window. I'm home! THANK GOD. Time to surprise the family! I jumped out of the car and started to walk my way to the door. Just before we get to the doorstep, Chris exited the house. Before he was able to talk, I run up to him and gave him a tight hug. I felt him tapping out which then I released him from my arms.

"Good to see you too sis." he said, pushing his hair back with his slender hands.

"Where are you off to Chris? It's late." I said, looking at the time on my phone, showing it was 7 o'clock.

"I just want to go visit the cemetery. Do you want to come?" he said hesitantly. I knew why he wanted to go. He didn't take her death so well. I mean, no one did. It took everyone so much time to heal and come to terms that she'd never come back.

I shook my head, not wanting to end this day on a sad note. Chris understood and waved goodbye to the girls and I as we walked to the door way, greeted with a crushing hug from my mother.

"Mum, I can't breathe." I wheezed out, tapping her back a few times to get her attention.

She finally let go and gave the girls hugs, making small talk with each other. I still haven't bumped into dad or Tay yet. Strange.

"Hey mum, where's Tay?" I said, turning my head left and right just in case my sister was going to try to scare me. My mother sighed and pointed upstairs. She briefly told us that she wasn't feeling so well and that she was emotionally unstable.

Regardless, I walked up the stairs with the girls following behind me, wanting to catch up with Taylor as well. I had realised that some of the photo frames were taken down from the last time I was home. It must taken a toll on the family seeing her around. We all miss her. It's not like we were trying to get rid of her. Her death was just too abrupt for us all so I guess that it was best for the family to take down the photos we took with her.

As the girls and I walked closer to Taylor's room, we heard the sound of an acoustic guitar and a pair of singing voices. I knew one of the voices were Taylor's but I couldn't recognise the other voice, thought it was soothing and so angelic.

Once we got to the door, I lightly knocked the on it and a puffy eyed Taylor opened up. I hadn't seen her so upset in a long time, it almost made me want to cry just by seeing her sad state.

"What's wrong Tay? Why are you crying and were you singing?" in a slightly confused tone, realising that she had sang. Taylor rarely sings and she doesn't know how to play the guitar but I pushed those thoughts to the side and comforted my sister with a hug.

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