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Ps. Lot of editing to do alot so will see grammar errors and spelling errors

Ed held the hands of both Aden and Adeline, his younger twin siblings, as they followed behind their deceased parents silver caskets, bore by men dressed in black.The large number of people who showed up was expected considering their parents were well known in the community . They owned one of the major realtor agency and helped most of the residents of Lake Wood acquire their homes.The procession was lead into a small cathedral by a young priest dressed in the official cassock attire followed by two alter boys.

The service was almost over when Ed saw the man who made he and his siblings orphans, walking towards his parents casket, letting go of his sibling ,he lunged forward grabbing the man by the neck .

"You killed them you son of a bi--ch"

"What did you do to my car? you caused this -" Ed said pointing to his parents casket.

" How dare you show up here! get the fu-k out "

His aunt Cassy who had been sitting beside Adeline steps away from her to grab Ed but was shaken off abruptly, two men from a nearby pew came to her rescue , and grabbing the enraged boy, guided him away from his prey in the person of Mr Ben William.

Chapter one


Ed's mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of his new school, and moving to a new town and making new friends , as he packed up his stuff for college into the boxes his mum got from the store. He just turned twenty and was ready for a new chapter in his life. He spent his whole senior year of high school prepping for the Ivy League university he always had in mind , not because his father wanted him to but because he had big dreams of his own which summed up to, - getting out of the small town he lived all his life and making a name for him self.

Ed is not your regular small town boy, he graduated high school at nineteen years of age and he could not remember being held back in neither elementary school nor middle school or why he was held back , any time he brought up the conversation with his parents, the response he got from them were always inconsistent. once he was told he was very sick as a baby, another time his mum told him he may have had measles when he was five years old so he had to wait an extra year to start school. None of the reason made sense to him or could account for his lost of time so he gave up asking and made the best of his situation.

Ed may not be your regular teenager but he did look like one with his curly black hair cut short to his ear, dark brown eyes and an up turn lips that made his look like he was always smiling .He hated this last feature of his and believed he would out grow of it.

Ed also believe he would grow taller than his current five feet ten inches of height and be as tall as his dad who stood at almost six feet two inches. Ed's mum was the smallest of the family in fact she was shorter than her twins, both fifteen years old and already five feet eight inches.

Stacking some of the boxes he had already packed outside the door, he began to make trips to the garage. Lifting the final box in his arms, he pause to look at his room. The was in a mess and he still had more shopping and packing to do for the next couple of days. Making his way down stairs he saw the twins arguing over who's turn it is to do the laundry, shacking his head he slip quietly out the side door (there was no way in hell he way going to get between those two again).

Ed stepped into the cool breeze of the evening air and made his way to the town's mechanic garage. His parents got him a used red Grand AM Pontiac when he started high school which should have working breaks by now, as he was promised so when he took it in a few days ago .

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