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By the time Stella got back for the day Jack was up from his nap, after cordial greetings where exchange Jack decided it was time to tell his sister the reason for his sudden visit.

"Hey can we talk ?" Jack asked.

"Sure come sit" Stella replied as she half drag her brother to sit beside her in the living room.

"I would take my leave now if that ok?" Ed asked, wanting to give them some privacy.

"No please stay" Jack said then turning to his Stella added

"Hope you don't mind it not too personal and I may also be needing his help".

Both Stella and Ed gave Jack a look that he decided to ignore or pretend not to understand.
Stella nod her head towards an empty sis beside them.

" Here sit down ED let's hear what my brother has to say am getting to excited " Ed sat down.

"Is Lucy up stairs?" she asked

"Yes she taking a nap"

Stella nod her head in understanding and they both turned their attention to Jack.

"Am going to be a dad" Jack said, starting his narrative.

"I mean my girl or ex girlfriend as of now is pregnant".

Both Ed and Stella looked surprised before changing the expression to one of intrigue but Stella spoke first

"Congratulations Jack am happy for you so you having a baby that's wonderful, that's good new. I was so scared when you suddenly call to tell me you were coming down, I thought something awful happened"

"Yes congratulations" Ed add not knowing what else to say or why he had to be present for what seem to be a family matter.

"Not that am not glad to see you Jack, but you could have called, you didn't have to fly all the way out here just to tell us this wonderful news. In fact I will be happy to fly down and see you once the baby is born" Stella stated bring Ed's mind back the situation at hand.

Jack smile up, at his sister and said. "well that brings me to the reason why I flew down. I can't raise the baby all by my self out there Stella I just can't, and my ex is not going to be a part of the baby's life once his born, that was her decision. she is a flight attendant and wants to keep living her life ... her words not mine". Jack paused to let his words sink in.

Ed saw Stella's looks go from understanding to that of inquiry during Jack's narrative and he felt exactly the same .

"So I have decided to move us out here once the baby is born" Jack added in reply to the inquiring look from both Ed and Stella .

"Oh my God I can't believe it" Stella screamed pulling her brother into a tight embrace. Ed smiled as he watch the siblings he now understood the reason of jack sudden visit.

"So it finally took a baby to get you to leave that city and come stay by my side ..oh Jack am so glad I never liked you being so far way, I will be the best aunt I promise.

"There is more" Jack said interrupting Stella's rambling.

"What more?"

"I bought a house close by that's why I had to fly in to sign some paperwork and also make sure it was as close to you as I was luck to get".

"How close are we talking?" Stella ask with a look of absolute delight that Ed never saw on her face before.

"Very close" Jack replied "as a matter of fact it's on your block just a few houses to the left" Jack made a gesture to his indicate his left.

"You kidding , you mean.."

"Yes we going to be neighbors"

Stella flung her hands on her brother's neck and almost wept but as if suddenly remembering something she pulled away.

"Am so glad but I don't see why you needed poor Ed here" she said shifting her gaze to Ed

"I think we've are made him uncomfortable, keeping him here" .

Ed could read pleading look Stella gave him, he did feel left out and still had no idea why he had to stay, aside from his nosy inquiry earlier as to the reason for Jack's visit .

"Well I was hoping you both will help me out, since my house is going to be not more than a few door from here, I was hoping Ed wouldn't mind being my nanny also, that if he wants to and if you don't mind Stella.

Stella stared at Jack for a while before saying "you are not planing to steal my nanny ways from me,are you?"

"No I just thought he could take care of both Lucy and the baby, that is if two kids won't be to much for him".

Understanding were he finally fit in the whole situation, Ed smiled and nodding his head politely accepted Jack proposal.

"If Ed won't mind I don't see why not. This is such good news dear, am calling Sam at once I don't think I can wait till he gets back to tell him." Standing up Stella made her way up the stairs case.

"So you really don't mind?" Jack inquired

"No not at all Lucy is a hand full but she big now that I missed the days I could carry her in my hands, and when I could place her in an arm char and come back to still find her still there."

Jack smiled in understanding, then proceeded to ask "I have no idea what my sister pays you but am willing to pay more" Jack said as her moved to sit closer to Ed.

"I really don't minded, we can discuss that later but there is one problem, I have never taken care for a new born baby, the last time I held one I was maybe seven or so..." stopping abruptly Ed knew he made a slip, so far he had kept his personal life to him self.

"I see" Jack said choosing to ignore the last part of Ed's sentence

"But I trust you and I know you will do a good job like you're doing with Lucy. In fact I can't think of anyone else I will trust with my unborn child". Jack said placing a hand gently on Ed's thigh, but sensing his unease withdrew his hand.

Ed stood up and Jack followed suit, then Ed stop abruptly turning to Jack

"By the way when is the baby dew? I mean I don't think you mentioned that"

First week of November so we should be here before Christmas if every thing works according to plan. I should also have my transfer out to a station here finalized by then.

"Ya I was wondering about that" Ed said as he made his way toward the door .

"Will you tell Stella I left for the day"

Sure I don't think she will mind. I will see you tomorrow right?"

"Sure" .

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