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    Ed spent days trying to evade all of Jack's seductive tactics but with little or no success . One evening while ed was strapping David to his high chair in preparation for his dinner , he hard the front door open and he knew it was Jack back for the day.

    He walked in to the kitchen setting his keys and badge on the kitchen counter, bending over to plant kisses on  David's forehead and the little guy smiled up him. Jack  then made his way towards Ed and stood so close that later did all he could to stop him self from stepping back a few steps.

    Smiling at Ed Jack asked how his day was and if Lucy had gone home for the day , receiving a positive response on both account he said " I will like us to go to the park this weekend

    " just the three of us?"  Ed asked trying to keep his tone steady so as to not betray how nervous he felt having Jack stand so close. He finally realize just how effective all of Jack's seductions had been , he almost wished Jack would lean in the  rest of the way and just kiss him, instead of taunting him with the devious grin he currently wore on his face.

    "No Ed... " Jack said breaking Ed from his thoughts  ".. i mean you, me, David and Lucy if Stella won't mind"

    Stepping around him Ed made his way to David to commence his feeding, letting  Jack continue his conversation from a safe distance.

    "It's a work thing and am tired of being the mysterious new guy I want them to meet my family. some of the guys have seen David's picture  and want to met him ...so what do you say will you come ?"

    "Yes ...sure just let me know when"

"This weekend I will pick you guys up  say four thirty .."

    Ed gave Jack a nod and  went back to feeding David.

    Weekend came and Jack lead his party of four to the park, they join the cheerful crowed of Jack's fellow officers and their families. Introductions were made and when David had enough of strangers pinching him on his checks while being called cute he broke out in a loud wail so Ed was forced to step aside from the group that currently surrounding them, making his way with Lucy towards the small play ground .

    Ed held David firmly to chest as they stood aside and watch Lucy play . occasionally Ed noticed Jack glance towards their direction , a reassuring smile or a wave from Ed sent Jack's attention back to the group he was with. After some time Ed introduced him self to some of the women who also stood close by watching their kids and before long was engaged in lengthy conversation with them.

    After a lengthy talks with one of the officer's wife who's son seem to take a liking to Lucy and the two had decided to arrange a play date for the kids he wiped out his phone and was giving the lady his phone number when he noticed Jack almost glaring at him from across the field. This time neither the wave or a smile suffice to turned Jack's attention away from them but instead it brought the later walking towards them

    Jack slipped his hand on the Small of Ed's back and kept it there while he introduced his self to the lady standing next to him, who Ed had come to know as Mary. while in the guise of keeping the two company and caring on small chit chat with some of the women around ,he finally got Ed to him why he got along so well with his new friend and how he had agreed to set up a play date between John (Mary's son) and and Lucy.

    Leaning close enough to whisper in to Ed's ears Jack said "Let me know if you want to leave OK"

    "We just got here Jack and Lucy seem to be enjoying herself "  the look of disapproval on Jack's face told Ed that was not the response he was expecting but he chose to ignore it as he watched Jack make his way back to his friends.

    When Jack was a safe distance away, Mary stepped closer to Ed before saying " I will dare to say what half of the women here are thinking Ed" she began,  receiving a look of alter bewilderment from ED.

    "Thou they wont say it to your face ...its either you guys are lovers or Jack is crazy about you and you still playing heard to get which is it?"

    The look on Ed's face gave him away giving Mary her answer .

    " Will you look at that... at list  you don't deny it.. oh boy I thought he was going to bite my head off when I saw him walking towards us. I really think you should put the man out of his misery, you seem to be playing push and pull with the poor guy or he may actually bite some one's head off "

    By the time Jack and Ed finally made it home, Lucy had fallen asleep in the back sit so Jack decided to drive her home. Making sure not to disturb her cousin who was also sound asleep beside her , Jack unfasten the buckles to  Lucy's chair and carried her to her front door were Sam stood waiting.

    Ed saw Jack wave to who he suppose was Stella from the front door before returning to the car and driving them home.

    Ed carried David up stairs leaving Jack to haul in the bag containing David's things,  extra bottles of water and snacks he had packed for emergency, by the time Ed made it down he found Jack standing at the foot of the stairs with his arm crossed watching him descend.

    "we need to talk " Jack said

    "Oh yes we do Jack ...may be about the way you behaved at the park today"

    "Am so so sorry I don't know what came over me"

     " I could swear you were jealous of John's mom, the poor woman was scared off her wits"

    Reaching his hand out Jack puled Ed down the remaining flight of stairs, bring him to stand on top of the very last step, placing both hands on Ed's arm Jack let his heart out.

    "Even if you don't like me yet Ed please let me be self fish and say I will like first shot at you before any one else... let me have my way  Ed  please at list give me a chance to make you love me"

    Placing a both hands on Jack's face Ed lowered his head down to the man standing before him , looking in to his the eyes he could see he soul, see just how much Jack did love him and throwing all caution to the wind he pressed his lips on Jacks .

    Pulling rather abruptly away from the kiss Jack gave Ed  a question glance, hoping he was not dreaming or assuming things he voiced his thoughts.

    "Do I take that as a yes?"  Jack asked in a pleading tone and only got a nod of the head  from Ed as response before pulling Ed in to a kiss more demanding than the first.

    "I am willing to try Jack, I  think I like you but lets just take it slow for now am not ready to do anything more ...intense "   Ed said as his gaze went down to Jack's swollen groin.

    "Oh god"  Jack half screamed as he took a step back ,covering him self or at list  making an attempt to ,his face flushed crimson as he tried to reassure Ed.

    "Am OK with that... heck am happy enough that you kissed me ..you actually kissed me back Ed that was more than I could get when i woke up this morning."

    stepping up to join Ed on his step Jack continued..

    "... and as for the other intense stuff I still need to do some more research, I don't want to disappoint.. I mean, I  need to be prepared for when you actual do want to do the intense stuff"

    Ed face went from looking bright red to looking pale during the last part of Ed's speech, try as he may to pull away Jack kept a tight hold on him pulling him in for another long kiss.

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