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As the days and months went by, the day for Jack and his baby's arrival drew closer, Stella had supervised the trucks of U-Haul that brought Jack's belonging days ahead of him. The house was tastefully decorated with precise order from Jack to make it as baby prof as possible.

Ed strolled Home from the park with Lucy riding her bike few fit ahead of him. They made their way leisurely through the familiar neighborhood which was sparsely adored with Christmas decoration, put up by various families in anticipation of the secular holiday which was still weeks away.

They were a few houses from home when Ed had the repeated hunk of a car behind him before noticing its occupant's hand waving strenuously at them to draw their attention. Jogging a few feet ahead of him he grab Lucy who was still paddling away not having noticed the cab.

Steeping out out the car Jack bent in to unstrap a baby carriage from the back sit before making for the trunk. The driver was already placing a ruffled badge and a very colorful baby bag to the curb when Ed finally recognized who it was.

"Hey you guys are here!" Ed said as he dismount Lucy from her bike and they both went to welcome her uncle. Ed watched as Lucy's little frame tried climbing up her uncle's tall one. Stooping and gently passing the carriage to Ed, Jack picked up his excited nice and showering her with kisses,before thrusting her in to the air as he was accustomed to.

Ed stooped by the side of the walk way and took a look at his new ward, a beautiful baby boy with crystal clear grey eyes and the tiniest mouth Ed had ever seen stared back at him. Struck speechless Ed could only grin at the baby before finally stating a very prominent fact.

" He's so small"

Coming up behind him with Lucy on one arm Jack bent over and placed and arm on Ed's shoulder.

"Of coarse he's small it a new born baby... but I get what you mean I had the same expression the first time the doctor asked if I wanted to hold him."

Ed looked up at Jack and smiled before saying "lets get off the street."

"Here" he hand the baby carriage back to Jack "I will grab your bags and Lucy's bike and we can walk to your place"

Nodding his head in agreement, Jack did as he was told and the party of four made it's way to Jacks new home .

It was the first time Ed had seen the inside of the house after the renovations, it suited him just fine. The carpets in the setting room was what he like most , he thought they were the most cushioned and comfortable carpets he had ever felt under his feet. The decor of the house from what Ed could see from the setting room showed Jack's love for tasteful modern fixtures and furniture.

Placing a very excited Lucy down in an arm chair and the baby's carriage on another Jack went over to help a struggling Ed haul the bike and bags in to the house.

"Here I would leave that by the door for now" Jack said as he placed the bags down carefully by the entrance.

"It looks different from the last time we saw it" Ed stated offering his opinion

"Yes I saw pictures of the finished work weeks ago, the company that did the renovations sent some over when it was complete.

"You should see the baby's room it looks good"

Ed looked towards the quite baby boy laying comfortably and observing he's surrounding with his eyes as wide as it could get. Lucy was bent over the little guy studying him at first and then as if deciding he was not a doll held his tiny hands.

"Did you name him yet?" Ed asked

"Yes David... didn't Stella tell you?"

"No" Ed replied "I guess she was to excited when she gave me the news, I was on my way out for the day when you called to inform her the baby was  born . she said you had a baby boy and then ran up stairs to call Sam to tell him the good news "

"Oh I see , well Ed meet David" Jack said as he and Ed bent over the smiling ,wide eyed boy, he looked just like his dad dressed in blue from head to toe with little dark curls picking out from the knitted hat placed loosely on his head.

"Lets go up stairs" Jack said picking up the carriage

Lucy and Ed followed closely behind Jack as he lead the two to one of the most beautifully decorated room Ed had every seen, the baby blue and cream paint on the wall made the rest of the furniture that adorned the room stand out. Noticing various toys which David will not be using any time soon arrange on a shelf, Lucy made a bee line towards them .

"It's perfect" Ed said voicing his inner thought

"I know .. I thought so too... here look" Jack said as he open a door which Ed passed through to the master bed room furnished for comfort with a modern taste in mind.

"Your room is right next door as you wanted" Ed said as he's gaze moved across the room .

"Have you actually considered that he may grow up and not want to be so close to daddy's room" Ed conclude with a smile at Jack

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it for now I want him were I can see him and get to him easily."

"I guess you can do that too" Ed replied as he walked back to the room were Lucy was still engross with the new toys and the baby was now demanding attention with he's loud cry.

"Let's see if he needs a change or just hungry" Jack said as he made for David

"Why don't you let me change him, you go down stairs and make his food just in case he needs both."

Jack started for the stairs only pausing to watch Ed lift David from his carriage before continuing on his way.

Unexpected Life /Abrupt Existence Where stories live. Discover now