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    On the weekend Jack and his a baby arrival , Jack decided on having a small house warming party at his new home. The door bell rang and Ed went to open the door, standing aside he let Sam,Lucy and Stella in. Taking Lucy from her father's arm, Stella set her down to run free.

    "I like what you've done with the place Jack?"   Sam said

    "Oh jack it's wonderful"   Stella said handing her brother a bottle of red wine she brought along for the celebration.

      "Thanks Sam, come I will show you guys around before dinner "

    Shortly after Jack showed his sister and her husband around the house they all had dinner. Lucy was set up next to her mum on a high chair and David was fast asleep in a baby rocker in the sitting room. Shortly after the cheerful group finished dining  Sam ,Stella and Lucy bid their host a goodnight.

    Ed had settled in to a routine with both David and Lucy. Stella stops by Jack's place before heading out to work to drop Lucy off, then she or Sam picks her up when either got home. Jack spent most of his day with them the first week of his arrival and they both took care of the kids.

    Jack settled into a routine at his new precinct after his paperwork were done and was now training for a detective position, this took up plenty of his time leaving him with little or no time to spend with Ed or his son.

    Its been months since Ed started working for Jack he spent most of the evening out in the backyard playing with Lucy on the swing when David was asleep, when David was awake Ed spent his time trying to keep Lucy from  picking up the little frame of David. The day time was spent watching Lucy fill up her coloring books  or playing with something educational as specified by Stella .

    Jack came home earlier than usual one evening and he entered the kitchen to find Ed doing the dishes, setting his phone and badge on the kitchen island he walks over to Ed .

    "Here let me help .. "he said taking the sponge from Ed  and setting it aside

    Taking a napkin from a rack by the kitchen sink, Jack grab Ed's hands and pat them dry. pushing him aside he added

    "Here "   Jack hands Ed the napkin   "you dry, let me do the washing "

    Ed watched every move Jack made in amazement, he looked lost in his thoughts as he mechanically wash and handed Ed one dish after another.

    Jack's attitude the few last months had been more nurturing not just towards David and Lucy but also towards Ed. Jack attitude towards Ed was that of a close friend than an employee, and although it puzzled Ed at first he decided to chuck it up to Jack just being kind .

    Jack paused his mechanical movements and turn to face Ed, he had spent days on end with Ed and he still had no idea how he was going to tell Ed how he felt about him. He had been having trouble hiding his feelings this past months wondering how to tell Ed  how much he cared for him and how he was falling more in love with him with each passing day .

    Jack did not want to lose Ed, or cause Lucy and David to lose a good nanny because of his self attitude, but what scared him the most was how Ed will react, will Ed curse at him or will he need time before he will come to care for him .

    "Jack...Jack are you OK? Is something wrong"   Ed asked drawing Jack from his thoughts.

    "Am fine"  Jack replied   "I just have something to ask you.

    Ed nods his head waiting for Jack to proceed but the later only  kept silent while resolving to do the next best thing, since he didn't have the gusts to man up to his feelings just yet.

    "Well I was wondering"  Jack began, dropping the sponge and keeping his gaze fixed on Ed .

    "I ... thought...may be you could ...you know move in here"   Jack made a gesture around the kitchen with his hands, his gaze still on Ed.

    "What do you mean?"  Ed asked a look of genuine surprise on his face

    "You sleep in the guest room three or four times in a week, since I get home late or when I don't come home at all, so I thought you could just move in with me  and David. It will make things easier don't you think?"

    "I can't just move here Jack ..."  Ed started to say but Jack cut him off

    "I am willing to pay more for having you here full-time, but you don't necessarily  have to move in completely if you don't want to, you can just move some of your stuff here and on days when am not working  you can go home to the school, you know... have your alone time" Jack explain nervously to a grinning Ed.

   " If you had let me finish I was about to say I don't mind being a live in nanny, as long as I can  have alone time  like you said"  Ed said,  smiling at Jack he added

"Lets finish the dishes before David wakes".

    The simile on Jack's face could slip it into two halves and color flushed his check .  I have hope,  he thought to him self  and I will find away to make him open up to me or just find out all about him for my self.

Unexpected Life /Abrupt Existence Where stories live. Discover now