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The drive to Stella's house was quite aside from the occasional babbling from the baby safely strap in at the back sit. Ed helped Stella close the door to the passenger sit when they arrived her place and she had gotten the baby out of the car, he followed her closely as they made their way in to the front door.

The decor of the house was not quite what he expected, by the way she dressed, it actually looked very warm and comfortable with simple decorations that it boarded on just bear necessities , the out side of the house was painted white and gray and it looked like every other house in the block .

In the sitting room Stella place Lucy in an arm chair then made her way to the kitchen, she came back with a small packet or folder of some kind .

"Here" she said handing him the folder.

"That was intended for the sitter but it should useful to you as well since you have not done this before,  you may need to read through it when I leave, it contain my work phone number and other emergency numbers that you may need, my personal phone number is by the side of the house phone too, it also has instructions on how I prepare her formula, how often to feed her and other stuff that will be useful in the long run".

Walking over to the kitchen she gestured for Ed to follow her, Opening a cardboard to the left she showed Ed where the baby's bottles are kept and how to prepare the formula.

"If you need any thing else please do not hesitate to call me on my cell phone I will always pick up", leading the way back to the sitting room she made for the stairs and Ed followed suit.

"This is Lucy's room, the room across is mine and my husband's you will met him this evening if he gets home before I do. I will call him to inform him of the substitution". she smiled and Ed understood she meant the strange circumstance which lead to him taking the place of the absent nanny.

" They are diapers in the carriage down stairs, in the bag underneath, I hope you know how to change a diaper? "

" Yes Stella. is it ok if I call you by your first name ? ".

Stella looked at Ed with satisfaction and nodding her head she smile up at him. He had two younger siblings and although it's been a while since he had to change an infant's diaper and he hoped it will all come back to him.

" There are more in this closet " she said directing Ed attention to the closet.

A small tour of the other parts of the house ensued and they finally made their way back to the sitting room, Lucy was sleeping peacefully and Stella bent over to place a soft kiss on her cheek.

" I think she has had enough air for to day but if you need to take a stroll to the park, the code for the alarm security is in the binder I gave you", seeing a look of doubt on Ed's face she added, " You're perfectly safe I change the code with each new nanny or babysitter, spare keys are on the kitchen counter ".

Ed watch her step towards the door then stopping to take a final look at both him and Lucy, "I will be back before six , please do take good care of her", with that she stepped out, leaving the house in dead silence.

The day with Lucy was fairly quiet not what he was expecting, she ate when he feed her and only made a fuss when he ignored her for too long. They did not go on a walk as Stella predicted as they spent most their time in Lucy's room playing or in the kitchen eating or in the little patio at the back of the house. The backyard was well groomed and had lovely flowers but Ed knew little to nothing about flowers, his mum had grown roses only when he was younger .

Evening came and Lucy slept during the hours that lead to her mum's return . At half past six Ed had keys jingle at the front door and a moment later Stella stepped in with an extra leather portfolio in hand.  Walking pass a side table made she way toward Lucy.

" How was you day Stella"?

" Splendid and you, how was she?" she indicated Lucy by picking up the now awaken child.

"We had fun I guess, good enough for a first day" .

Shifting the child's weight to one hand she dug through her hand bag and handed Ed an envelope. Ed toke it gazing at it in awe he had been wondering how to talk about payment but it seem Stella was way ahead of him, figured she had experience from getting this type of services on a regular basis.

"Could you spare your self tomorrow or until I get some one else?" She asked  appeal in her tone.

"In fact since you both seem to have get along , the job could be yours if you want, of course we have to have take a ... say three month trial period and see how it works out for the both of us and then decide, so what do you say ?" She asked, a smile on her face and hope in her voice.

Ed was slightly shocked but tried hard to hide it letting a smile take it's place, sure he  could make it , he live only a few blocks way from her and only needed to note the address, a few land marks and he will be able to find his way back.

"Sure" Ed finally replied giving voice to his thoughts.

Stretching out her hand she grab Ed's in a firm hand shake as if to signify sealing a deal, leaving Ed to wonder what she did for a living.

"I will let you go for today see you tomorrow, say at eight am is that OK ?"

"It should be" Ed said reassuringly.

"Thank you Ed, you were a great help today. Tomorrow we can talk salary and I will give you a better description of your duties in full and also you get to met Sam' my husband." She lead him to the door and bid him goodnight.
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