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Getting home just before Mandy could leave for the the day , he went up stairs to change then made his way down to the kitchen. He had lunch at Stella's but was starting to get hungry again so he decided to have a sandwich for dinner.

"Why You back early ?" Mandy's voice question him on his way to the kitchen.

"Oh hi Mandy you still here "

"Yes I am.. you didn't get fired did you? "

"No Mrs Stella's husband got home early so I got to leave early"

"Oh Ok " Mandy nodded .

"So where is Mr Lee ? Is he in his office? I like to say hi . I did not get to see him before I left this morning".

"Well if things go well you may not see him tonight either , you see he may get home quite late to today or so I hope" .

"Noting serious is there" ?

"No Ed I think Lee may finally start dating" .

Ed's eyes almost bulking out of its sockets as he asked "What do you mean by 'finally' , is Lee not seeing any one ? Not that I would know but why will he not date , it's not like his a monk or a widower right?"

"No nothing so fancy it's just that I have worked for Lee for almost six years now. When he first open this place he ran it by him self and hired me almost a year later. so-far no one know any thing about him personally that is. He's very kind and good at his job running this school that no one ever questions his integrity but him being popular with the ladies didn't hurt either if you know what i mean, but you see he has never really dated any of the woman that actually try year round to get his attention".

"I see " Ed said nodding his head and urging Mandy to carry on her interesting narrative . It was nice to get some insight to man who has been of so much help to him.

"Well Ed, I finally got him to go on a date with Page from the book store. I've always tried to set him up on a blind date, and today when I brought it up expecting to get shout down as usual he said ' well I may as well try it out ' and then he promised to go ask Page him self." The smile on her face was sensational, Ed could tell she took the event as a personal conquest of some sorts.

Ed was content with Mandy thinking he shared her perspective, but what he thought about Lee was different, he saw Lee as open minded and hard working by the way he ran his school. He also thought he was not the type of person to be pushed to do what he did not want too.

Mandy shifted her hand bag to her left hand picked up a pile of files in her other as she continued her narrative. "Well I think he really started opening up when you got here am glad he now has someone to look out for him, I always worry about him when am not here."

"I see so he has a date tonight . Good for him. Do you mind if I ask why you don't date him your self you two seem to work well together " Ed asked . Getting a look of astonishment from Mandy.

"Oh dear am married "

"Sorry Mandy I had no idea and you wear no ring".

Smiling up at Ed, then shifting her gaze to her finger, she said "Oh that - well the thing gets too tight , then to loss and I kept dropping it down my kitchen drain so I decided to keep it tucked away safely in my bed side drawer".

Ed nodding his head in understanding, smiled down at the small figure in front of him. Mandy wave him a good bye and promised to see him the next day, leaving Ed free to go make him growling stomach a sandwich.

He sat on one of the chairs by the kitchen counter and stared at the marble table top. He was absorb in his thoughts for over half and hour and didn't hear Lee come in . He picked up his plate to put away, as he got to his feet his attention was drawn to Lee's presence by the kitchen door.

Walking over to the younger man Lee pat his shoulder gently and made for the fridge. "I didn't want to intrude you seem deep in thought everything OK"?

"Yes thanks am good "

"And the new job?"

"Am getting a hang of it" Ed replied and he gave the older man a reassuring smile.

Not knowing if it was he place to intrude he decide to ask anyway. "So how was the date?"

A look of surprise flashed on Lee's face but it only lasted a few seconds, remembering what a big mouth Mandy had a smile flushed his face almost crimson.

"Am guessing Mandy told you, well it was not really a date per say , I just went over to ask her to dinner."

"Well you didn't ask her to dinner in front of her dad and costumers did you? I don't take you for the romantic type"

" No I met her out side her shop after she closed up for the day and we had coffee at that cafe next door".

"Then it was a date Mr get with the time" replied Ed laughing at the now embarrassed Lee standing in front of the kitchen counter as he tried to gulp down the bottle of water he got from the fridge.

"I won't wait up for you tomorrow night, so have a good dinner , may be have a few drinks and see how it goes."

"Thanks Ed I will try"

After promising to lock up the house for the night . Lee watch an amused Ed made his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

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