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    It's been months since Ed moved in to Jack's place, at first Stella was surprised as Ed was when he first hard Jack's proposition to move in but unlike Ed she could not see the need so she kept her opinion to her self.

     Lee was not very surprised when Ed gave him the news, although Ed had only told him he would be spending more nights at Jack's not moving out totally. Mandy was not to happy but when Ed promised to keep watering her potted plants and to still come by to help tidy up in the evening she was good to go.

    Ed stood by the changing table placed in front of a window, which was opened slightly to let just enough air in but not too much. It's been raining heavily for the past few days leaving a cloudy sky behind. Ed watched the rain pour for a while before returning his attention to David when the later kicked both feet vigorously in the air.

    "Ed your phone"  Lucy said as she held up his phone to him with one hand and the other still clutching one of here favorite crayon. her speech was getting better with each passing day.

    "Hello"  Ed said  answering the phone, clutching it between his shoulder and his right ear .

    "Hey I will be home soon , am getting Chinese from a restaurant close to work and I just wanted to make sure you don't make anything for dinner"  Jack said from the other end of the phone.

    "You have not eaten dinner yet have you?"

    "No not yet"  Ed replied

    "I'll see you soon then "

    Taking the phone from his ear he looked at it for a few seconds before setting it aside.

    Since Ed started living with Jack the only thing change from his usual routine was he's new habit of making Jack dinner every day and they eat together if Jack got home on time. True to his words Jack was home in less than half an hour .

    Ed watched Jack set out the packs of rice , fried noddles, chicken and a bowl of soup he had purchased. 

    "Did Stella come for Lucy already?" Jack asked his attention still on his task .

    "No Sam did, he came few minutes after you called"

    "I see and David?"

    "He's taking a nap , am hoping its not a long one or we may not get any sleep to night"

    "Dig in, I hope you like it "  Jack states as he proceeded to shove his mouth full of food.

    After  the two had finished the pile of food between them self's Jack spoke...

    "I have something to tell you" Jack said as he pushed the empty boxes to the side .

    "What" Ed asked still chewing his food as he spoke.

    "Well ... first of all I want you to hear me out please. Every thing I did was for you ...I don't do it with any ill intent I promise you."

    "Just tell me"   Ed's attention was now fixed on Jack he was anxious to hear what he had to say.

   "Mr Ben the current mayor of your town will be stepping down by this time next week"  Jack paused to see the effect of what he just said on Ed.

     At first Ed could not understand Jack's words but when realization downed on him  the chop sticks fell from his hands and rose to his feet.

    " How did ... I mean how do you know where  am from I never told you" Ed asked Jack the tone of alarm in his voice .

"Please here me out OK"  Jack stretch out his hand to touch Ed but the later evades his touch.

     "I didn't know any thing about you because you won't tell me and I didn't want to press you so I found out for my self"

    "You what ...why would you I thought we were friends so you don't trust me enough to look after David is that it?"

    "No not that at all, I do I trust you so much,I do.  Ed you have no idea how much I care about you but any time I think am getting closer to you, you just bounce right back to were we stared and you always watching what you say not just with me but with Sam and Stella as well"   Jack paused to elicit a reaction from Ed but getting non then he decided to continue his narrative.

    "So I did some digging and at fist I found out  your parents were dead and then I found out your sibling lived with so aunt . After I called her and we spoke, she told me what happen I recommended one of the private directives that I  worked with at my former station. The bottom line is, you are safe Ed you don't have to hide anymore".

    The look on Ed's face went from fright to shear joy then back to panic during Jack's narration. Ed could not chose which emotion to show first; first he was mad at Jack for daring to look in to his private affair , then he was happy his parents could rest in peace and he could finally live his life.

    Standing up from the dining table and Stepping into the sitting room and  towards an arm chair  Ed sat down, his eye lids threaten to let out the tears he held back when he thought of the circumstances that lead to the death of his parents.

    Stooping down in front of Ed, Jack took his hands and held them tight, seeing Ed did not make an effort to with draw his hands, he then decided to try console  the man in front of him.

     "Please don't break down on me now ok I don't want Stella to say I broke her perfectly fine nanny"  Jack said jokingly trying to lift Ed's spirit.

    "I have more good new if you want to hear it" Jack said .

    Ed snap up his head and his attention was once again fixed on Jack

    "Your siblings will be coming for a visit in two weeks, and I told your aunt they can both stay here, all she need is an OK from you and she will to let them flight down but if you not ready we can just move the flight date to another time I got two open tickets so ... it was meant to be a surprise"  Jack expression beamed as thou he expected Ed to praise him.

    Ed stared at Jack for a while, refusing to show how excited he was about his siblings visit.  "I am great-full to you for that and I will pay you back what ever it cost to get those tickets, but am still mad at you ... you should have told me when you started.."

   "I swear to you I didn't know how the  investigation was going to turn out and when I found out all this it was already to late to tell you"  Jack said cutting  Ed off before he could say more, trying to explain his motives.

    "I only want you to know I did this because I care for you Ed"

    Ed finally with drew his hands and stared at Jack amazed. He could not believe his ear or his eyes the look on Jack's face said it all, he knew what Jack meant when he said "care".

    Seeing the look on Ed's face Jack stood on his feet , taking a step back he said

    " You can pretend you didn't understand what I mean Ed if you don't fell the same way, I don't  mind I just don't want to lose you ... we can keep working together ... I know you can go home now since you not running anymore, but please don't leave us I beg you. I will never bring it up again if you insist"  Jack's tone was pleading.

    The look on Ed's face soften, he thought he could almost feel pity for the man before him but he knew what he felt was not pity he was just not ready to think about it either, so he decided to put the man in front of him out of his misery

    "I am not going any where Jack I promise ...for now, but I think I should spend the night at the school, just for the night it's been a long day Good night jack"   turning form Jack, Ed made his way to his room.

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