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    Ed walked mindlessly to the school front door, and before he could turn the knob Lee pulled the door open.

    "Hey Ed so good  to see you, we've missed you this week Mandy always tell me you stopped by and you have not spent a night here this week.  Come on in"   Lee said as he lead them to the kitchen , setting out two glasses he pour out orange juice for Ed and himself.

    "Sorry I have been to busy but am here now you don't mind do you?"

    "No Ed I've told you, you're always welcome here anytime I already consider you family you know that "   Lee smiled down at the younger man in front of him.

    "But something is bothering you I saw you walking down from my office window and you looked lost in thoughts, I was scared you would get hit by a car so I came down to meet you"

     "you say I could talk to you any time right?


"so if you not too busy now I will like to do just that".

    Lee nods his head in the affirmative and Ed proceed to tell him all about his family and how Jack had meddled in his affairs.

    "If you ask me, I will say this Jack cares about you  enough to do what he did. I did not press you to tell me about your past because I promised the first day we met not to but if  I had not I would have probably done the same. You see even after almost two years of living with you I don't know much about you but I could understand why you chose to keep to yourself because I once had reasons to do the same a long time ago".

    The only way Lee could tell that the younger man in front of him had been listening to him was from the polite smile Ed gave him, so he decided to continue.

    "I promised to tell you about my self when you told me yours so here it goes,  once upon a time I had a girl  wanted to marry, when I  was just fresh out of college but my a parents opposed the union. After one of our usual disarrangement I drove off with Abigail ..my fiancee and we got in to an accident ...only i survived".

    Ed let out and unconscious gasp bring Lee to a stop.

    "Its OK it was along time ago...but never the less I never forgave my family so I left home the instance I could stand on my own feet. First I stayed in japan for few year then decided to come back but I never went home ... I just made a life here. Now that you here I start to miss family, like I said I consider you family but I think am ready to  see if I can reconcile my family"

    "That will be nice Lee am sure they will be happy to have you back after all this years "  Ed said, hope in his voice.

    "I do hope so Ed I hope so"   Lee replied with a soft smile.

    "May be you can go home for thanksgiving that's  a few months form now so you will have time to prepare you self".

    Lee looked at Ed with a smile one his face  "You may be just right Ed, thanksgiving will be perfect for a reunion"   Lee said between chuckles.

    "Am going to head in for the night, you go get some sleep also and don't think to much..."

    Walking out the kitchen door he pause and added   "I will like to met you brother and sister when they visit OK"

    Nodding his head in compliance, Ed bid Lee a good night and headed up to the attic, he stared at his phone for a while before finally building up the courage to hit the call button.

    "Hello"    his aunt's familiar voice rang out on the from the other end of the line after the second ring

    "Aunt Cassy it's me Ed"    there was silence on the other end then...

    "Ed ..Edmund darling is that you"

    "Yes aunty I ..."

    "Oh thank goodness I thought I never hear from you again, that friend of yours refused to tell me were you were. are you OK Ed?"

    "Am fine aunt Cassy how are they .... Adeline and Aden doing?"

    "Fin  Ed  but they miss you so much Ed I will bring the phone to them hold on."

    ED had shuffling of feet in the background then his aunt's voice  saying

    "Am putting you on speaker "

    "Ed is that you"  his sister voice called from the other end, excitement clear in her voice.

    "I miss you soooo much Ed you should have told us before us left ... Cassy told us all about it after you left thou.. I can't wait to see you. Cassy said you got us tickets."

    "Yes Adeline, I missed you too. Is Aden not there ? I can't hear his voice"

    "He is, I think he still mad at you.  Is this your number?"

    "Yes it is"

    "Cool then we can call you now, that's great I will get Aden to call You later."

    "Thanks Adeline you the best. I will explain when I  see you guys ...so until you get here i hope you don't stay mad at me OK"

    "Don't worry bro am not mad am glad you ok, it's just ...Aden is just being stubborn that's all."

    "Thanks Adeline good night sis love you both so much."

    "Love you to Ed bye bye"

    The line went dead from the other end and Jack laid down on his bed looking  up at the ceiling.  "what a day I never thought this day will come so soon"  he thought to himself, "I guess  I have Jack to thank for that", not knowing  what else to do Ed let sleep wash over him.

Unexpected Life /Abrupt Existence Where stories live. Discover now