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Ed's life at Lee's karate school have been peaceful so far, he had almost got down a routine, first thing in the morning before breakfast ,he helps Mandy water her small plants by the front entrance, then he set out what ever equipment the kids need for practice for the day. Usually after the first class which is at noon, he and Mandy walk some of the kids who had to wait longer for their parents over to the park and sit with them till they are all seen safely home. His afternoon usually consist of locking him self up in his attic room or taking a jog round the neighborhood.

Ed was finally settling in to his surrounding, some days he forget that he's on the run, that his parent were no longer alive and how much he missed his siblings. Life here was OK he usual thought to him self but not what he had hoped for in his wildest dreams.

One afternoon as Ed sat in the park with Mandy watching the kids run around, Mandy was making some notes in a planner on her lap and occasionally raising her head to see how the kids where doing, he liked to think that both Mandy and Lee have come to trust him a little this past few months , they had come to rely on him more at list, Mr Lee now let him to go grocery shopping alone and now spent most of his time in his office on the second floor of the house, so Ed no longer felt like he was constantly under observation any more.

An unfamiliar voice broke Ed out of his trance and brought his attention to the smartly dress woman to his right, she seem like she was dressed for the office not the park.

"Hello can you hang one a second" she said putting the phone down as she tried to reach under the baby carriage for something ,it drop to the ground and he saw it was a pacifier.

"What do you mean by you can't spare any one I need to get to the office like two hours ago you cant expect me to find some one in last minute." She almost drop the phone as the baby's cry grew louder. Ed made his way towards the pair unconsciously and looking at the lady as he said ...

"Do you mind if I hold her while you sort things out, am Ed I work with the karate house across the street" Reaching forward not waiting for a reply he picked up the little girl .

The lady smile a thanks and got off the phone, then as if she suddenly realize a total stranger was holding her baby she reach out to take the now silent kid from Ed.

"Thank for the help" she said

"Am Stella, Ed ? You said your name was ED right?"

"Yes" Ed said nodding his head to the affirmative.

"My part time baby sitter canceled last minute and am suppose to be at work, I think I have seen you and that lady here when I drive by the park some time" Mandy who even though was busy was still attentive notice the Stella point to her direction, seeing her with a kid her business mode cued in and she walked over to them.

"Hi am Mandy, what a lovely kid you have ..:"

"Am Stella" said the lady stretching out her hand, "Ed here said you both work at the karate school ?"

" Yes" Mandy said. Reaching into her purse and drawing out one of her business card she handed it over to Stella . Taking the card from her Stella gave it a look and then slip it into a side pocket of her suite.

Ed stoop down and picked up a toy the young girl had drop, handing it back to the little girl. "Oh Lucy stop throwing things around" Stella said shifting the kid back in to the carriage.

"This one here is Lucy by the way, it was nice meeting you both".

"I could look after her if you can't really find some one" Ed said reaching down to pet Lucy's hair, he had no idea what came over him to offer his help to a total stranger but the lady in front of him just looked like she need all the help she could get.

The three adult stood in silence for a while, while Lucy played with the toy in her carriage.

Mandy realizing Ed was offering to baby sit decided to lend a hand, she always felt the boy need some thing to do any ways. "He's great with kids really. I guess you can tell since he works with them all day" Mandy said turning her gaze to Stella "So if you need some one to baby sit he's your guy".

Stella looked skeptic for a moment but that thought quietly varnished from her face , taking the card she had previously placed in her pocket she looked at it one more time before saying ...

"Mandy you sure you guys will be able to spare him? I would really appreciate it , I guess it should be the same as getting a total stranger from an agency but in this case I am at list sure I know where to find him just in case" , she smiled looking from Ed to Mandy.

Realizing what she meant to imply Mandy gave Stella a toothy grin "You do have my card and ED him self lives up in the attic at the school, you should be good to go and your little one will be safe".

"Oh this is wonderful you are a life saver" Stella Said bringing her attention back to Ed who had been standing aside the whole time quietly listening to the conversation between the two ladies. He smiled up at her and stood quietly waiting for her decision, which she finally spoke out right.

"I will drive us back to my house, it just few blocks away from the park, will that be OK?"

"Yes, give me a minute I will be with you soon, where are you packed?"

      Pointing over to a dark Sudan by the side of the road, Stella picked up her purse place it under the carriage she then wheeled off her baby towards the car. Ed look over to Mandy who was now making her way back to the bench she had previously occupied and he said.

" Are you sure it will be OK if I went ...you be fine by your self?"

"Oh Ed I have been doing this long before you came round so you just go, you need a job any how, you don't plan on spending your whole days Lounging around or picking up after Lee and me and the kids now do you?" Her petite form smiled up to Ed as she tucked her short brown hair behind her ears, Ed could see from her honest gray eye that she meant well.

"OK " he replied " Please let Mr Lee know ok. I will make my way back when am done." Wavering her goodbye he jogged towards the car where Stella stood.

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