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    Jack waited patiently out side for Ed to say he good bye to Stella for the day, when Ed finally stepped out Jack wore a broad smile on his face as he made a gesture for Ed to follow him, they walk along the side walk in silence before Jack open the conversation.

    "Do You have something else doing tonight? hope am not keeping you from any previous plans?"

    "No I was just going to head back to the school"

    "Oh the karate school near the park you always take Lucy too?

    "Yes  I live there"

     Sensing Ed was not going to offer further information in this line of talk, Jack decided not to urge him and changed the line of conversation. They reached their destination and Jack sprint up the two flight of stairs that lead to the entrance, standing with his hand out stretched in front of the building  asked Jack what he's thought where of the building.

    "I have to go inside to actual give you my opinion, because on the out side it looks like every other house on the block".

    Taking a set of key from his pocket Jack proceed showing Ed in. They walked  through the whole house stepping over some work obstacles laid out in various corners of the house. Jack explained the lay out to Ed . The house was to have a bigger master bed room when the renovation was done and a side door leading to the already assigned baby room from said master bedroom. The house had five bed room in total with bathroom in each. The back yard was almost the same size as that of Stella's from Ed perspective and a lovely old swing set was its mean attraction.

  After the two had gone over the house as much as the ongoing construction would permit, Jack suggested they should go for coffee at a near by cafe. The cafe was next to Miss page's book store, so after coffee Ed decided on go in.

     "Do you have a particular book in mind or you just want to look around?"  Jack asked as the held the door open behind him for Ed to enter.

    "Not really I was going to check out some book on how to care for new born baby ...you know so I can prepare mental and also well informed before the baby gets here"

    Jack chuckles rang Loud enough to attract Miss page attention to their presence as they step further in to the book store.

    "Hey Ed I haven't seen you in a while". Page said in greeting as she stepped around the counter to met the pair.

    "Hi Page"  Was all Ed could muster in response to Page cheerful countenance .

    "You here for a book or should I be glad you came to see me?"  She asked smiling as she moved her gaze from Ed to the silent Jack by his side.

    Following Page's gaze Ed effected an introduction.  " this is Jack, Jack, Page" .

    Holding her hand out to Jack which he reluctantly took she added  "nice to meet you I never met any of Ed's friends before, Lee and I though he was a hermit"  Page said cheerfully

    Jack looked form Page to Ed and asked " Lee?"

    Before Ed could reply Page bit him to an explanation.  "Lee my boyfriend, Ed lives up at the school with him... oh this is great you have not met Lee so I get to tell him all about meeting you he not may believe me am afraid but it will be fun to see his expression when I tell him."

    Jack expression livened when Page explained her relationship with Sam, to Ed bewildering surprised. the two then followed Page as she offered to recommend some books when Ed told her  the subject of their inquiry .

    After Page's congratulations to Jack on soon becoming a father, the two paid for the books they had selected and they both walked out of the book store with a bag in hand. Jack walked Ed home and promised to see him in few months .

    "Few months you mean you leaving tonight"   Ed asked in surprise?

    "Yes I just came in to make sure every thing was going according to plan, it now left to the realtor to supervise the renovations and when am ready I will send my things down before  flying out with they baby."

    Ed was nodding his head in affirmation, when Jack pulled him in for a quick hug but what seem to Ed  a tight  embrace that could choke the life out of him.

    "Thank you for agreeing to help me out with the baby, I really do appreciate it"   Jack said as he released Ed from his embrace. Ed stood and glared at Jack in silence as he felt he had more to say  but the later said nothing further. Watching Jack walk away Ed thought of his day so far, it was fun hanging out with Jack something he had not experienced for a long time .

    Ed watch Jack's frame move further away and then turned to waved him good bye . Ed  paused to look back at the now empty streets when his hand felt the door knob before finally heading in to the house .

Unexpected Life /Abrupt Existence Where stories live. Discover now