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    The two adult carried an exhausted and sleepy Lucy home while hauling bags full of present. Sam and Stella who were already back for the day help put Lucy to bed leaving Ed to help Jack hide the presents in the guest bedroom.

    Stella's voice called out from the kitchen when the two young men stepped out of the bed room.

    "I thought you went shopping were are all the bags I just saw, what did you guys get?"

    Ed and Jack both made for the kitchen, "we went shopping for Christmas presents."  Jack said in reply to his sister inquiry.

    "Oh I see, which shopping mall did you guys go to?"  Stella ask to know one in particular

    "The one close by we didn't have to drive that far. Right Ed ?"

    "Yes" Ed said in agreement

    "That good, did they have a guy play  Santa  this year?"

    "Nope"  said Jack  "we didn't see any Santa I would have had Lucy take pictures with him."

    "Oh no need I was just asking , besides I already took Lucy to see Santa I will show you some of the pictures  after dinner if you like?"

    "Now will do just fine"  Jack said grinning at his sister

     "No I have chicken in the oven and it's almost done, help me set out plates"

    "Ed you can join us for dinner you know you always welcome" .

    Ed put a smile of his face ready to politely decline before Jack cut him off.

    "Sure his staying  for dinner it's Christmas season no one says no to good tidings now would you?"

    Ed saw Jack trying his best to keep a straight face as he goat him into giving in,  he looked from Stella to her brother both staring at him waiting for a reply.

    "OK thanks Stella I will"  A smile spread on Jack lips, Stella's surprise only lasted a few minutes before she went back to preparing dinner.

    The group of four sat down on an elegantly decorated table. The usually plain  dining table now had fancy napkins,table mats, sparkling wine glasses, polished silver wear and fine chinaware. Stella had gone all out , since Ed had not seen this before and he could not tell if the elaborate decor was as to please her brother or in accordance to some Christmas tradition.

    Ed ate in silence listening to the three make small talk and missing his own family, he had to fight back the moist from his eyes

    "It's good of you to join us for dinner, what made you change your mind. Did Stella finally get to you?"  Sam suddenly ask snapping Ed's attention back to the group.

   "No"  Ed replied

    "It's all Jack's doing am afraid, he practically had to call poor Ed a Christmas grouch to get him to stay."  Stella added in a way of explanation

    "I did no such thing I just figured he should not miss out on your cooking." Jack said in his defense.

    " It don't matter who am glad you did, I was starting to think  you did want to be in our company since you dash out of this house as soon as you done with Lucy. Stella kept  insisting you were just shy and her promises of getting you out of your shell were to no avail for months."  Sam had a polite smile on his face as he addressed the now surprised Ed, it was the first time Sam had actually had a long conversation with him that was not related to Lucy.

    Ed felt guilty he. He felt bad for making it so obvious that he was trying to keep to him self. Aside from Mandy and Lee this was the only place he felt at home.

    After Sam's comment Ed had tried to keep him self in the group conversation as much as he could. When dinner was done, Ed helped Jack clear the table and do the dishes before heading home for the day.

    Lee was still downstairs when Ed got home and all evidence of the party was already put away.

    "Do you have anything special in mind for Christmas?"  Lee asked while they both sat in the kitchen. Lee had a plate of left over turkey and some veggie which he assumed one of the parents had brought for the party.

    "No,not really"

    "Oh do you have to work"

     "Nope Stella said I  could have few days holiday, so I don't have to go to work".

    "I see"  Lee said between mouth full.  "So it's just you and me buddy,we have to make the best of it. "

    "I guess, but you could have Page over and I could cook something edible if you like"

   "No no you don't have to". Lee said waving aside Ed offer with a free hand.

    "You see Page is going down to her parents for Christmas . So you really shouldn't bother. Enjoy your days off am guessing you need it, I only have the kids at the school for a few hours and it takes a miracle to manage the younger ones, but you get to do it all day"
Lee paused mid sentence, put his fork down then he looked across to the younger man and asked

     "So do you have to chase her around all day?"

    "You mean Lucy?"  Ed inquired

    Lee nods his head in the affirmative.

    "Oh god no, she could barely walk when I started but she is getting her footing now thou, so maybe I will soon have too. I caught her one time on the stairs she had crawl her way half way up before I could get to her" Ed smile remembering the occasion.

    Lee listen to Ed as he went on about his day with Lucy, he could tell the younger man loved his job even if he could hardly tell anything else about him.

    "Am glad you doing so well, to tell you the truth I thought you would've left the job a long time ago since you hardly try to interact with anyone aside from Mandy and my self."   Lee said as he stood up to put his dishes away.

      Ed not know how to reply since every word Lee had spoken was true , he could only force a smile on to his face and hope Lee wouldn't push him for an explanation, he had been so kind and patient with him  far.

      "Am going to finish up some stuff in my office then head to bed you lock up before going to sleep ok."

    Ed nods head in reply

     Lee made his way out the kitchen only pausing to give Ed's shoulder a gentle but firm pat.

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