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   Ed spent the first few days with his siblings at home trying to catch up on things he missed so far after being away for so long , the twins  were also edger to know all about his adventures and how he came to make his home with Jack. After Ed explained he's encounter with Lee he decided it was time they met his benefactor.

    Stepping into Lee's place Ed lead  Adeline and Aden to Mandy's small office area and before Ed could make the introduction Mandy bet him to it.

    "Oh you must be Aden and ..."  stretching her arms to draw Adeline in to a hug added  "... and you must be the lovely Adeline. Ed spoke so much about you the past few weeks that I couldn't believe you were really, heck a few weeks ago I had no idea he had anyone  but here you are".

     "It's nice to meet you." Aden said

    Releasing Adeline from her embrace she pulled Aden in for a quick squeeze.    " you guys go on up. Lee is expecting you , we were both excited to met Ed's family at last, here let me take this Little guy"    bending over a giggling David she unfasten his straps and carried him in her arms.

    Ed lead Aden and Adeline up stars leaving Lucy to explore the first floor as she always did when ever the visit. Stopping in front of Lee's door Ed gave a rapid tap drawing a 'come on in' as a response from Lee.

    "Ed how... Oooh I can see the resemblance, this must be the famous twins you talked about" stretching his hand out to Aden then to Adeline.

     "Its nice to met you Mr Lee" Adeline said  "thank you for taking my brother in, we so very great-full"

    "yes it was very nice of you Mr Lee"  added Aden

    "It was my pleasure, Ed made it the more easier .... it very nice to met you both"

    " So do you have any adult students"  Aden asked   " I ask because I only saw kids stuff down stairs"

    " yes most of my students are be low twelve but if you're interested I don't mind teaching  you some moves"  Lee said with a smile on his face.


    " Sure, how long are you guys staying with us?"

    "Just a few more day "   Adeline said

    "oh  too bad "

    "No not at all I will be coming back in a few months I hope to go to college out here so I should be back by fall" .

    "Then I will see to it we will start then". Lee said giving Aden a soft smile.

    "Thanks Mr Lee"     Aden said

    " It was nice to met you both"

      The group left Mr Lee's office and headed back own stairs .After spending some time with Mandy down stairs they all started for home. when they got home Jack was setting up a grill out  bark for a barbecue and before Ed could get around to lifting David from his stroller a knock sounded on the front door.

     "Hi Stella"    Ed said before screaming  " Lucy your mum is here"

He steeped aside to let Stella in.   " would  you like to met my sibling? I mean I like to introduce you if you're not in a hurry, they are visiting for a while"

    The look Stella gave him was that of alter surprise but regaining her composer gave a nod of the head in agreement.

    Ed lead her out back and due introductions were made before a reluctant Lucy was spirited home.

    Ed now sat on the swing with Adeline holding on firmly to the wiggling form of David , while they watched Aden and Jack tend to the food.

    Hey Ed"    Adeline started     "I was wondering what will become of our house ... you know the one we left are you going to sell it?"

    "I don't know yet"  was ED'd reply   "do you want it sold?"

     "I don't know I just... I don't think I can go back there again, to many memories"

    "For now I may have the realtors put it on the market for rent and when you guys are older we can all decide what to do OK"

    "I guess "    was Adeline's reply

    " what are you guys talking about?"   came Aden question as he walked over to the swing.

    "Our house in Lake Wood"    Adeline replied

    " Oh that ... did you sell it .. we can buy another here I like it here and you  seem to have made a place for your self here Ed and you have cool friends ..."   Aden said as he turn his attention towards Jack then back again .

     "Ed says we will decide together when we're older but I do like this idea"    Adeline replied with a smile as she looked to Ed for a response

    "We will talk about this another time for now lets see if Jack needs help"    the three rose and walked over to Jack who was still slaving over a smoking grill.

    Ed noticed how Jack took particular interest in Adeline and Aden since they arrived ; he encouraged them to speak of their life before the terrible incident that befell their family, so he could get a better in sight on Ed's life before they meet, he indulge their every whim, took his time each morning to make breakfast for the whole house before he left for work and on one of the evenings when he came home  early Adeline had manage to persuade him to take her shopping ,returning home with her hands full of expensive brands of shopping bags.

    So it was not surprising that when it came time for the twins to leave, Adeline confessed she will miss Jack as much as she will miss her older brother and Aden promised to be back in a few months. when it came time for good byes at the air port, Adeline's teary good bye was swiftly changed to a cheerful grin after Jack had promised to send her a first class ticket so she could visit at Christmas .

Unexpected Life /Abrupt Existence Where stories live. Discover now