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    Jack held the door open letting Ed push David's stroller in to the setting room before closing the door behind him, he helped Ed unfasten the sleeping child before caring him up to his room. After putting away the stroller ,Ed made his way upstairs to join the two.

     "You should see if his wet so we can change him or his just going to wake when he gets uncomfortable" Jack hard Ed say from behind him.

     I think his good I didn't think he needs a change " Jack replied as he pulled down the bottom clothing of his sleeping child to take a closer look at his diaper.

    "He's good to go"

    "Hey thanks again for every thing" Ed  said for hundredth  time it seemed to Jack since their departure form the air port.

    "You don't know how much it means to me to have them back in my life again , I was  mad at you at first but seeing my siblings again this past weeks am glad you did butt in , it would have taken me longer to figure it all out by myself".

     "You have to stop thanking me..." Jack said   "...i may start filling proud and demand a reward"

    "Anything you name it as long as its not something to expensive "

    " Well..."   Jack said as he made his way to Ed pulling him from David's room  in to his room through the connecting door and closing the door behind him.

    Ed now stood almost pail looking at Jack with wide eyes, he had said anything but he never though Jack would take advantage of him in any way.

    Reading Ed's thoughts clearly written on his face he said

    "Relax Ed I will never do any thing you don't want ... I swear it."  first taking Ed's hand and pulling the later closer he added

    " All I want for now is a kiss that shouldn't be too hard for you is it?... and it's not expensive either"  a smile played on Ed's face for a second before disappearing,he had almost let his guard down.

    Jack took Ed silence as permission to do as he pleased, he pulled the later by the nap of his neck drawing his closer to him and still not getting any objection let his lips lock with Ed's in a gentle but fervent kiss , it was some time before Ed recollect him self and placing a hand on Jack's chest slowly pulled away from his demanding lips.

    "Oh Ed you don't know how long I've been wanting to do that"  Jack said  when Ed finally pulled away from him, leaning in for another kiss he was stopped when Ed spoke

    "You said just a kiss ... one kiss should be..  I mean ..." Ed said in a faint voice.

    "Didn't you want me to ..was it awful... you did't object or say anything so I just thought.. am.."

    "No it's OK I let you ..kiss me"  Ed said as he made his way to door leading out to the hall way, stop with his hand on the door he turned to Jack .

    "I did't punch you in the gut so ... its  OK I guess I just need some time to think about all this. Jack the first time your said you liked me I thought maybe I had you wrong but I guess ...well you never brought it up again so.."

    Jack took a step toward Ed but the later held up his hand halting Jack in his track.

     "I meant every word Ed "

    "I know that now"  Ed said with a ghost of a smile in his tone   "... just let me have time to figure this all out for my self OK"

    Jack response was only given in form of a nod of the before Ed left his room closing the door gentle behind him.

    As Ed made his way down stairs he thought of how the kiss made him feel, it was a feeling he never had before and he had his fair share of high school romance in his younger days. He knew he lied to Jack when he said he though his first attempt at conveying his feelings a joke, although he had a-lot on his mind the past few weeks, he still did think about it from time to time but when the twins arrived and Jack went back to his usual self Ed had let the event slip from his thoughts.

    For the next few days Jack did give Ed time to think by not speaking of the kiss or the events that lead up to it, instead he took every opportunity to touch Ed when ever he a chance , be it when he handed Ed his morning coffee or when Ed held David up to be kissed  good bye before he heads off to work.

    Jack was determined not to let Ed forget he still had feeling for him not  this time. He stared lustful at Ed and when he was caught made no effort to hide the fact that Ed was the object of his desires. He was more relaxed with his way of dressing around the house and walked around with little cloths on , and when he did wear any he made sure it clung to his frame in the most suggestive manner.

Unexpected Life /Abrupt Existence Where stories live. Discover now