Chapter 20

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 "Now what do we do?", I questioned, he folded his arms and sighed.

"It's been sorted as we speak. My lawyers are taking care of it. I know it's tough to know indecent pictures are posted of you but we are on a break, we don't get to do this very often.", He grabbed my hand and gently ran his hand up and down my arm.

"I feel like I'm out there now, these pictures need to be gone as soon as possible. This damages my career Christian, I don't want to be known as the billionaires naked slut.", He rested his hands back on his hips and stared intensely.

"I'm furious, Anastasia. My lawyers have this in their hands, very soon the photos will be gone and the fucker who took this photos will face actions. You are not the billionaires naked slut, you are mine and that's all we both need to know.", I leaned against the counter behind me and nodded.

"Thank you.", He raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"What for?", He asked.

"For trying to fix this. What's the plan for today?", He stepped in closer and kissed me slowly.

"I'm thinking we pack a small bag and make our way to London.", I beamed straight away.

"Seriously? Tonight!", I held my hands over my face and then grabbed his shoulders in excitement.

"There's that smile.", He half smiled and kissed me slowly, "Let's pack a small bag, if we do end up prolonging our stay then we can just go shopping.", I nodded and kissed him harder this time. He pulled away and winced, I raised my eyebrows and shook my head.

"Is your shoulder still hurting you?", He sighed and I followed him into the living room.

"It's getting better. I'm fine.", I crossed my arms and kneeled down so we were eye level.

"Promise me?", He smiled.

"I promise you, Anastasia.", He smiled again and I sighed before eventually smiling, I stood up and walked into our bedroom. I heard his footsteps follow me into the bedroom, his arms snaked around my waist and kissed my hair.

"What do you want Christian?", I asked, he chuckled and our bodies were so close.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I want Miss Steele.", He grabbed my hip and held me tighter than ever.

"I'm yours.", He slowly left kisses on my neck and just below my jaw, I gasped as he spun me around quickly and sent butterflies raging in my stomach as he smiled.

"Let's pack.", He released me and walked to the wardrobe. I frowned and angrily folded my arms.

"Let's pack? You can't do that to me!", He turned around and raised his eyebrows.

"Miss Steele, there is plenty of time for me to please you.", He grabbed a few shirts and tried to fold them with his bad arm.

"Right now you are teasing me. Here, let me help you.", I quickly folded the shirts and packed them into a small luggage case.

"When we get to London we are going to be like tourists.", He stated, I giggled and he chuckled with me. "I've only been there on business, never really got to take it all in.", He continued.

"Well, I'm glad I can share my first time there with you.", He shut the suitcase and walked around the bed to stand next to me, he suddenly grabbed me and kissed me hard.

"Can London wait one more night? I'm in desperate need of you.", Inside I was smiling widely, I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Like I said. I'm yours Christian.", That was all I needed to say. 

Shortest chapter EVER

But I am back in business once again, thank you to all the readers asking me to update!

Just sorry it's not an explosive or interesting chapter!

Next one will throw you back into it!

Please comment what you would like to see?

Thank you! 

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