Chapter 23

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It had been a whole week since Hyde Park, when me and Christian had the picnic. One of the best days of my life. It was a total contrast, I was sat on the edge of the bed and watched the city traffic from above. Christian paced up and down and I shut my eyes tightly, I gulped and watched the rain batter the immense windows.

"How could you let this happen? I ordered you to increase security while I was away.", I looked over at Christian and stood up, he glanced over for a short second and continued. "When I say I want something done you do it. No excuses, now someone is hurt because you thought it would be ok!", His voice raised making my spine tingle.

He chucked the phone on the sofa and slammed himself into it, he covered his face and heavily sighed.

"What the hell is going on?", I asked.

"It doesn't worry you, Anastasia.", I crossed my arms and stood in front of him.

"It doesn't worry me? When you are looking like that then it worries me. Tell me?", He wiped his face and stood up and paced to the window.

"I ordered my security to increase, just to watch my family's home and the apartment while we were away.", I dropped my head and sighed.

"What's happened?", He gulped.

"Someone broke into the fathers house, stole my mothers jewellery and decided to beat my dad black and blue.", I gasped and sat down on the sofa slowly.

"Your mothers jewellery? I'm so sorry, Christian. Is your father ok?", He kneeled down infront of me, I ran my hands through his hair and brung him closer.

"His pretty shaken, luckily his ok. The others were out in town for dinner, looks like someone was watching the house.", My stomach dropped.

"You don't think it's Rory?", I could barely say his name, I felt repulsed.

"I doubt it. Police are still looking for him, he wouldn't want to risk it.", I heavily sighed and was instantly worried.

"We should go home.", He raised his eyebrows.

"You want to go home?", I nodded, he sighed and continued. "Why?", He questioned.

"Christian, it's the right thing to do. Your father has been attacked, let's go back.", He squeezed my thigh and stood back up.

"Let's go then."

The flight home was quiet, between me and Christian anyway. The ride was bumpy, we often felt the plane suddenly drop as we experienced turbulence.

I decided to waste time and try to close my eyes, I turned my music up and reclined back in the chair.

"Anastasia.", I felt my body being shaken, I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. "Only twenty more minutes. Get ready to land.", I wiped my eyes and sat back up in the chair.

"Are you ok?", I asked.

"Are you ok?", I sighed.

"Don't ignore my question, you know that annoys me. Are you ok?", I asked once more, he turned and faced me.

"I would be if I knew what was going on in that pretty head of yours. I would be if you looked after the key to your apartment and I would be if I could fuck you right here.", I jolted and checked around to see if the crew member was there, did he really say that in public?

"I want to know what's going on in yours! The key to the apartment? We rushed out, it's normal to forget." I took the card from his hands and put it in my pocket. "You can not say that out loud, we are on a plane.", He chuckled and ran his fingers over my jeans.

"Anastasia, it would be a pleasure to take you right now.", I blushed and dropped my head.

"Would be another first.", I leaned in and ran my fingers near his waistline, he gulped as I kissed his jawline and made my way to his ear. "It's just a shame you didn't wake me up earlier.", The belt warning alerted us, I giggled and patted his thigh.

"You know what happens when you tease me.", His eyes almost glistened, I licked my lips and kissed him on his cheek.

"You can remind me later."

We grabbed the suitcase from the back and Christian slammed the boot, he spoke quickly with security in a hushed voice and made his way over to me.

"Feels weird being back.", He stated, he wheeled the suitcase by his side and pressed the button for the elevator.

"Sure does.", the elevator doors pinged open, I followed Christian in and rested my head against the wall.

"I would like to offer you a job.", My head shot up and I met his eyes.

"Thank you for the offer but no thank you.", He raised his eyebrows and heavily sighed.

"Anastasia, Rory is out there. It's dangerous you wandering the streets.", I giggled and the doors pinged open again, I strolled back into Christians apartment and he was quickly behind me.

"I'm not a thirteen year old, strolling around the streets. Once I find a job I'll be going there and back, it's all good.", He roughly rubbed his beard and wheeled the suitcase to the corner.

"I care about you.", I half smiled and folded my arms.

"I know that and I appreciate it. I'll be fine, I promise.", He walked over almost in slow motion and was so close.

"Anastasia, I would like to remind you what happens when you tease me.", My stomach dropped, he untucked his shirt and gripped my hip hard.

"Show me.", With no hesitation I was picked up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and tried to deepen the kiss. He kept me up and continued kissing me as he tried to open the playroom door, he moans filled my mouth as he finally got the door open.

"Fuck, Anastasia.", He almost tore my shirt off, he roughly threw it behind him and went to his knees. I gripped the ends of his hair and panted, I opened my eyes and my mouth dropped.

"Christian.", He continued undoing the buttons on my jeans. "Christian.", He looked up slowly and stayed kneeling down.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?", I frowned and he stood up, I nodded towards the wall behind him and covered my mouth with my hand.

In bold letters spray painted on the wall was 'You beat women. Anastasia enjoys that.'

Christian's nostrils flared. "What the fuck.", He spoke.

"It's Rory. How did he get in here?", I questioned in a shaken voice, Christian clearly noticed as he caressed my cheek.

"I'll get this sorted."


Hope you are all good, thank you for still following this story.

Just realised its been over two years since I thought of doing this story, hope for another two! 

I know the last two chapters haven't had much action but trust me something is leading up, I have to build the suspense la la la! 

Next chapter will be up in two weeks time from now. 

Stay calm, stay safe, stay happy!

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