Chapter 72

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I stared at the small pistol that was pointing towards me, I closed my eyes tightly and for one moment forgot how to breathe. I wanted to scream so loud, I wanted to shout and kill this disgusting man in front of me but I knew I had to keep calm not only for my sake but my baby and Christian. 

"I will not ask you again, move the fuck away from the desk.", I gulped and stood up slowly, the gun followed me as I continued walking. "Sit the fuck down. Why do you want to make this so difficult?", Rory asked as I sat next to Christian. 

"I am sorry. I'm sorry.", There was a brief silence until Rory's downed another brandy, he sat on the edge of the desk and heavily sighed while he played with the gun. I glanced over at Christian who also kept falling asleep and waking back up again, the blood was beginning to dry now on the side of his face. 

I grabbed Christian's hand and shut my eyes tightly, this just felt like a nightmare that I couldn't bring myself to wake up from. 

"Rory. What did you do to him?", I asked, my voice broke in pain as I stared at Christian. He looked so peaceful but his head must have been pounding and there was a likely he had a few broken ribs from the huge kicks he took. 

"Xanax.", He took a deep breath and kneeled in front of me. "I did not want any of this, Ana. I went to his office today to try and discuss things like adults, he did not want to hear me out. I just wanted to ask why? Something switched inside of me, I had to make him listen. If he had just sat down and spoke to me like I was a worthy human then he would not be looking like that. Christian is a fucking prick.", He heavily sighed and continued. "I feel sorry for you, Ana. I really do, you are with a controlling and manipulative freak and you deserve so much better.", He began pacing slowly around the room.

"You did not have to do this to him!", I shouted. "Where did you get the xanax from?", I asked.

"Yes i did because he did not want to talk to me, it was the only way. I have to show him that he cannot control other people's lives, Ana.", He rubbed his beard roughly before speaking again. "They are mine, I have a prescription. I've not been in the best of places lately, been to rehab a few times but dropped out two weeks ago.", I heavily sighed and shook my head.

"Are you still doing drugs?", I questioned.

"Is the sun hot? Of course I am.", He remarked sarcastically. "I am not in a good place right now, things are pretty fucked up right now.", He sat on the edge of the desk and lowered his eyes to the floor.

"Why?", I asked. I let go of Christian's hand and stood up slowly, I felt a slight ache in my back due to Rory pushing me over earlier. I stood in front of him and folded my arms over my bump, he shook his head and cleared his throat.

"Do you remember Matty?", He asked.

"How could I forget him.", I stated. Matty was always by Rory's side, they did everything together. Including drugs.

"We had planned to go out in New York two months ago, we had planned everything and I was going to meet him at his apartment. I called him and he said that he was getting ready but told me if I was ready early I could just come round, I got the train and got there twenty minutes later.", His eyes began welling up, I gulped and sighed.

"Are you ok?", I asked.

"I rang that bell so many times, at one point I nearly knocked his door down. I called him over twenty times but there was no answer, one of his neighbours heard me outside and he was quite close to Matt, he had a spare key and we both walked in. I wished I had got there earlier, maybe i could have stopped him.", He stared at the wall with a blank expression and started shaking his head.

"What did he do?", I prompted.

"We called out his name as we checked all the rooms in his apartment, I got to the bathroom and found him. He was slumped in the bath with the water still running, on the sink was lines and tablets.", He sighed and gulped. "I lost a good friend.", He stated.

"I am sorry for your loss, Matt was a good guy until-", I couldn't find the right words in my head without sounding offensive, Rory did just lose his friend.

"He was high as a fucking kite.", Rory finished my sentence with his eyes to the floor, he looked up slowly and for one second actually reminded me of when we first met. Rory had always been rough round the edges however, he had a friendly expression with a dashing smile.", He walked towards me and closed the gap between us.

"What are you thinking?", I asked.

"How things could have been different.", He whispered, he sighed and continued. "I mistreated you, Ana. I can only apologise, a sorry will not mend many things but it's all I can say.", He wrapped his arms around me and enveloped me with his arms. I froze and shut my eyes tightly, I gulped and could almost feel myself shaking.

"Things would have never worked out between us. We were different people from the beginning of the relationship.", He pulled away and rubbed his bottom lip with his thumb.

"Anastasia, we were fucking crazy about one another. The sex, the want and need for one another.", He breathed heavy and continued. "I tried to give you everything I had, Ana. I mean I would not be able to give you this but I gave you everything I could.", I laughed in disbelief. 

"The only thing you gave me was abuse and bruises, I was so scared of you. There were some moments at work where I would think this maybe my last time here because I did not know what I was coming home too." Tears filled my eyes at the painful memories. 

"Fuck you.", He furiously spat.

"There it is.", I half smiled as his real personality came out. "You do not come into mine and my partners home because you think you are the bigger man, who do you think you are? I'll give you a chance to go right now, if you do not leave I will call the police and have you done for trespassing.", He smiled.

"Does not take much to wind you up does it? Sit the fuck down before I kill him.", My stomach dropped, I instantly felt sick to the stomach. "Shut your mouth now.", He smacked me round the face, I gasped and held my hand where he hit me. He pushed furiously out of the way once again and climbed on top of Christian, hard pounds hit Christian's face. 

I yelled for him to stop, I tried pulling him away but he would not stop attacking Christian. I panicked and grabbed the nearest thing I could find, a picture of Christian's mother in a light oak photo frame. I hit Rory hard as I could with the frame, he fell to the floor with a huge thud, I gasped and suddenly chucked up yellow bile into my hands.

"Why?", He groaned. He stayed down on the floor and stopped moving, I ran to Christian's side and sobs escaped my dry throat. I held him tightly against me, my poor fifty looked battered and bruised and I felt useless. I kissed his neck, the only part which was not covered in blood and rested my head on his chest.

"Everything is ok, Christian.", I heard little movement behind me, I held onto Christian as tightly as I could. I was almost using my own body as a shield for his, I held his bloody hand and kissed it repeatedly. 

"Is everything ok?", I froze. I heard his sly voice break the room's silence once more. I sobbed and suddenly I felt like everything ended, I felt nothing, I could see nothing and I had no clue what the hell was going on. The only thing I knew is that I was at peace, nothing could hurt me now.


There we have it. Longest chapter in a while. Sorry it was late, was planning my holiday last night and may have got carried away. 

What do you think has happened?

Again thank you for the support you give on this story, I cannot wait to wake up tomorrow and see the notifications. Have a good day/evening and I will see you lot real soon.


M x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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