Chapter 29

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"This steak is so good.", Elliot stated while he chewed and spoke, I smiled and watched Christian give him a stern look and then proceeded to remind him of his manners.

"You aren't eating much.", I played with my food, pushing it side to side and stayed pretty quiet as the others made conversation.

"I'm just not hungry tonight.", He squeezed my thigh and heavily sighed.

"Please eat.", I picked up a piece of broccoli and ate it quickly, he sighed and wiped his mouth with the napkin. He would always have a dominant side, there would always be an extra worry with Christian.

"Ana, can you assist me to the toilets please?", Christian and Elliot looked at each other and raised their eyebrows. "And before you two say anything, it's a girl thing. Come on, Anastasia.", I sighed in relief and followed her into the toilet.

She slammed the door behind us and folded her arms, I leant against the sink and watched her.

"Are you going to pee?", She walked closer and sighed.

"I rescued you back there, what the hell is going on, Ana?", I looked up at the ceiling and wiped my face.

"Nothing.", She laughed in disbelief and stood inches away.

"I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything, I know when something isn't right. Did you have an argument with Christian when we left?", I stood up and began pacing, a few ladies strolled in to use the toilets so we lowered our voices.

"No, please Kate.", I pleaded with her, I couldn't do this now and especially not here.

"I'm not leaving and you aren't either until you tell me, is there something wrong with the baby?", I gulped and felt my emotions building up yet again.

"The baby is fine.", She sighed heavily as people began washing their hands.

"Then what is on your mind?", She asked.

"Christian isn't the babies father.", The silence engulfed and drowned me.

"Who is, Ana.", Her tone had now changed.

"Rory.", Kate grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"What the fuck, Ana! How could you do this to, Christian! How could you?", A few heads turned and they slowly left the bathroom, I pushed her hands off of my shoulders and folded my arms.

"You think I want this? Is that what you really thought?", Angry had washed over me, Kate's mouth was wide and her face was shocked.

"Ana.", I had left her speechless.

"You know nothing, Kate. Don't you say shit to anyone, I would like to tell him myself.", I began to walk out but she grabbed my hand.

"I'm so sorry.", I pulled my hand away from hers and began walking back to the boys, I gathered my thoughts together and took a deep breath.

"Hey, there you are.", Christian face beamed when he saw me, I sat down and intertwined our hands.

"Where's Kate?", Elliot asked.

"Oh she's adding more make up to her face.", Elliot chuckled.

"Of course she is.", Kate slowly strolled back and she forced a smile as she sat down back in her seat, Christian rubbed my hand with slow circles and rubbed my back.

The night was awkward. I tried avoiding Kate in conversation unless I couldn't avoid it, I tried to relax and look like I was enjoying myself but I just wanted to be home with Christian.

"Come here.", Christian chucked his car keys on the side and slowly began walking towards me. "Can we finish what we started earlier?", He smirked and watched me carefully. I intertwined our hands once more and he slowly laid me down on the sofa and climbed on me.

"I've missed you.", I stated, he ran his thumb along my jaw and kissed agonising slow down my neck and to my collarbone.

"I'm sorry if I patronised you at the meal, about eating. I just worry about you, especially now you are feeding two.", I grabbed his head and smashed his lips into mine, he groaned in surprise and pushed his hips into mine.

"No talking.", I moaned as he almost ripped my clothes off, I helped him undo his belt and he didn't even bother taking off his jeans, he was so intoxicating that I couldn't even think. I grabbed his back as he moved his hips in immense circles, he increased his pace which sent me over. I pushed my hips back against his which made us both reach our limit, loud pants filled the air and he rested his face on my chest.

"Anastasia.", He brung his head up and took a deep breath. "I will never get enough.", I ran my hands through his hair and he laid there, it was silently perfect. I could have stayed there for years.

I watched Christian talk to the barista whilst he ordered our coffees and breakfast, I took my jacket off and hung it just on my chair and he began strolling over.

"Breakfast won't be long, here.", He placed down the cappuccino infront of me and grinned.

"Why you so happy?", I found myself smiling.

"Because things have never been better.", He kissed my forehead and sat opposite, I raised my eyebrows as he showed public affection.

"Kissing me in public, I'm surprised.", He licked his lips and then sipped his water.

"I'm a changed man.", He grinned once more and the waitress interrupted us as she placed the tray on the table.

"There's a lot of food.", I stated, Christian raised his eyebrows and folded his arms, he leaned in and sighed.

"Ana, you need to eat.", I sighed.

"Changed man. I don't think so.", He clenched his jaw and gave me a stern look. I sighed once more and folded my arms like a sulky child.

"Please, stop being a pain in the ass and eat.", I picked up a piece of scrambled egg and ate it. Christian was watching me carefully, I swallowed my food and gave him a smug smile.

"Who else knows about the baby?", I watched his face almost light up, my heart could have broken then. How was I ever going to tell him? I knew I couldn't.

"Well, Elliot couldn't keep his mouth shut. My dad and now Mia knows, she hasn't stopped speaking about it. I mean being an auntie and everything, she's really excited.", He sipped his water and leaned in.

"I knew it would travel fast. I mean we both wasn't expecting this.", I forced a smile but he was still beaming.

"We wasn't but that's what makes it greater, it's a gift.", He kissed my lips tenderly and pulled away, I grabbed his hand and intertwined our hands tightly.

"Last night was amazing.", I shyly lifted my head and met his eyes, I could feel myself blushing.

"It was, Anastasia.", He chuckled and continued speaking. "How about me and you go home?", I giggled and shook my head.

"That's a lame way to ask me home, Mr. Grey.", He smiled and lightly sighed.

"If it was legal I'd just fuck you here.", My eyes widened, I glanced around to see if anyone was listening.

"Christian!", I whispered.

"Come on, I have an idea.", He grabbed my hand and we strolled out of the coffee shop, we crossed the road and slowly walked on the sidewalk.

"What's your idea?", He raised his eyebrows and grinned.

"Trust me?", I nodded and he continued once again, "I'm going to blow your mind."

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