Chapter 16

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My eyes opened, I saw the bright light above me and I felt the jolt of my body as we hit a speed bump.

"You must be Anastasia. How are you feeling, Anastasia?", Into my view came a older woman, she held a clipboard and was wearing her uniform. She had her light blonde hair tied back and her glasses sat on top of her head.

"Christian!", I couldn't hear myself much, it sounded like a whisper to me.

"Anastasia, I need you to be calm for me. Please, just follow the light.", All of a sudden a bright light was shone into my eyes, she moved the light in all directions and I followed. "Good.", She patted my arm and I could hear her moving something around.

"My head.", I stated. I could begin to hear my voice, it was croaky.

"Your bound to be sore, you took a huge hit to the head.", I raised my eyebrows but winced in pain.

"Where is he? Did they get him-", I tried sitting up but my body didn't want to move, I was forced down by the lady slowly.

"All that is being dealt with the police. You need to remain calm, it won't help you getting yourself worked up.", The ambulance came to a sudden stop.

"Anastasia Steele, took a nasty laceration to the head and cheekbone. BP is normal, just complaints of a headache.", I was transferred to a comfier bed, I could see a little more now as I was higher.

"Anastasia I'm doctor Lawson, I'm just going to sit you up higher.", I watched him push the bed up, I looked around and was surrounded by blue curtains. A nurse pulled the curtain open and handed the doctor papers before roughly shutting the curtains again.

"I need to see my boyfriend. Christian Grey, he was with me when this happened.", Doctor Lawson looked up from his notes and sighed.

"I'll ask someone to see if he was admitted for you but for now you need to stay here.", I took a deep breath and prayed he'd be ok, it was terrifying seeing him in that state. The image of him slumped and covered in blood would never leave me.

"We are going to get you cleaned up.", Stated the doctor.

I shut my eyes tightly as the last stitch went in, I held tightly onto the bed cover and opened them when I felt a pat on my shoulder.

"You are fixed.", He dabbed cotton wool with warm water over the stitches and my face before disposing them.

"Is Christian here.", He took his gloves off and stood up.

"Someone is still checking that for you, I'm going to keep you in here for tonight. I want to monitor you throughout the night.", The same nurse came in and spoke so soft that I couldn't even hear what she was saying.

"Anastasia.", I looked back up to the doctor. "A Christian Grey was admitted to the hospital.", I jumped up and held my head in agony.

"I need to see him, now.", I stated.

"Fetch Anastasia a wheelchair, take her down to see him. Anastasia, you need to rest. Please do not get yourself worked up, the last thing your body needs is stress.", I nodded slightly and the nurse came back in with the wheelchair.

"Can't I just walk?", I questioned.

"No. You've taken a blow to the head, you'll probably get lightheaded and will be off balance.", They both helped me into the wheelchair, I felt how bruised my body was. Everything was so tender, the nurse slowly wheeled me down the corridors and we passed many sick patients.

The elevator doors pinged open, we eventually reached a door and she knocked. "Give me a second.", She opened the door and I heard machines bleeping, I held my hand over my mouth and shook my head. Please let him be ok.

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