Chapter 31: Christian

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Part one

My thoughts were a blur. I wiped my eyes but everything was hazy. I could only see shadows and bright sunlight, I could hear the cries and the sobs but it took me a while to respond.

Everything was becoming more clear. I wiped my eyes once more and began to take in my settings, all I could see was horror and destruction. I glanced slowly over to my right and saw flames, they were engulfing a house rapidly. Ahead of me was scenes of carnage, people holding their loved ones and others jumping out of their cars to help.

I felt my heart increase rapidly, why did it feel like it was in my throat? Where was my Anastasia?

I turned to my left and there was more carnage, more destruction and more pain. I saw a car that had overturned and another car that smashed into someone's shop.

"Anastasia?", I bellowed, I got up to my feet and I felt fine...luckily. My first few steps I stumbled, I stepped over pieces off car and a few shoes. "Ana!", I shouted much louder this time, do not panic I told myself over and over.

All of a sudden the house caused a small explosion, the ground shock beneath my feet and some people fell to the floor. What the fuck has happened? I asked myself. I watched the firefighters tackle the blaze before turning my attention away.

I began to walk over to the scene of the car crash but was stopped suddenly by a police officer.

"Sir, step back!", He stood with authority and put his hand to my chest hard. "Have you been hurt in the accident? Are you ok?", He lightly shook me before I answered.

"My wife. Uh my girlfriend, Anastasia. I've lost her. I don't know what happened, we were walking and everything went black.", I gulped and held back my tears, I was extremely confused.

"We are working out what happened please get yourself out of this area. Just ahead there's a lot of people who were in the accident themselves, they are getting medical attention, your girlfriend might be there.", I nodded and ran a hand through my hair roughly.

I walked through many casualties, there was people being attended to whilst on the floor and others who hadn't been seen too yet.

"Ana!", I was starting to get worried, I felt a sickness in my stomach not knowing where she was.

"You are looking for an Ana?", A medic asked, I nodded and grabbed his arm tight. "Follow me.", He stated, I gulped and felt so anxious.

"Is she ok?", I questioned.

"She's clearly in shock. She has a few cuts and bruises but she will be fine, Sir.", I took a deep breath and blew it out in relief. "There she is.", He moved out of the way to reveal this woman, I shut my eyes tightly and put my hands over my mouth.

"That's not Ana,", The medic gasped and shook his head, he grabbed my shoulder and patted my back.

"I'm so sorry.", Someone screamed for a medic and he sprinted away quickly, I felt a warm tear embrace my cheek before hitting the ground.

"I hope you find her.", My head snapped up as my muddled thoughts were interrupted by her voice.

"Do you know what's happened?", I questioned.

"People talking about a gas explosion in the house, caused a few cars to swerve out of the way and into us.", I gulped and nodded.

"Thank you.", I had to find her, I had to put my mind at rest. I searched everywhere for another ten minutes and didn't find anything. I showed photos of her to people but no one had seen her. Did she run away because she was frightened? Had she been rushed to hospital? I felt sick once more.

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