"I will miss you both so much," Beeflower meowed as she nuzzled her daughters, "Please be careful, dears. You never know what dangers lie beyond the border, especially since Darksplash was banished." Owlflight and Buzzardwing exchanged uneasy glances at the banned warriors name.Darksplash was a WindClan warrior who was banned after he killed his mate and their kit, Lightpaw. He went mad with grief when of his son, Blackpaw, died in an attack from dogs. Darksplash blamed his brother and his remaining son, Falconclaw and Rabbitpaw, because they were with Blackpaw when he died and they couldn't save him. They were hunting when the dogs attacked them. Darksplash repeatedly blamed them and tried to kill them in vengeance. Falconclaw and Rabbitpaw left the Clan in fear shortly after he attacked them on the moors and that's when Darksplash killed Sandheart and Lightpaw, because they aided in the escape of Falconclaw and Rabbitpaw. He was banished from all the Clans the at the Gathering that followed the tragedy.
"Don't worry about us, Beeflower," Buzzardwing purred, trying to shake away the tension. Owlflight stepped away from her foster mother and friend, searching for her littermates. She found Ravenheart and Oakcharge sunning near the camp entrance, talking quietly amongst themselves. Owlflight stopped at the sight of her sister who, with her black pelt, looked very much like their mother Hollyleaf. Owlflight hardly remembered her birth mother, even though she was nearly at apprentice age when she died. Her brother looked much different than her and Ravenheart. He warmed his brown pelt in the sun, the dark stripe along his spine glossy in the light. He looked the most WindClan out of all of them. Owlflight flopped down beside Ravenheart, laying her head on her sister's paws. She felt Ravenheart rasp her tongue over her ear, as she began to groom Owlflight.
"This is the last time we'll be together like this," Owlflight murmured wistfully, " I hope wherever I'm going is worth it." Oakcharge looked sharply at his sister.
"Everything will be fine, Owlflight," he said bluntly, "We will miss each other, but we will continue doing what we must, because that is what Clan cats do. We move forward in anyway we can." Owlflight folded her ears back.
"But will I even be a Clan cat anymore?" Ravenheart scoffed.
"Of course you will be a Clan cat. As long as you follow the warrior code, StarClan will always guide and watch over you." Owlflight purred.
"I don't remember much of Hollyleaf anymore, but I remember her teaching us the warrior code. You are so much like her." Ravenheart tilted her head.
"I suppose I am, but there are things Hollyleaf did in her life, things that I won't do. I loved our kit mother, but she wasn't perfect." Owlflight sighed.
"No cat is. How do you know what Hollyleaf did anyway?" Ravenheart ducked her head sheepishly.
"I asked Leafpool and some ThunderClan elders at the Gathering last night," she admitted. Oakcharge snorted.
"You shouldn't listen to elder gossip at Gatherings, Ravenheart. They over exaggerate their stories." Both sisters rolled their eyes. Owlflight flicked her brother's nose teasingly.
"You're such a stick in the mud. Maybe that should have been your warrior name. Stickmud!" Owlflight and Ravenheart broke into purrs as Oakcharge glared at them. Owlflight broke off at a sudden weight on her back.
"What's so funny?" Buzzardwing asked as she flopped onto Ravenheart and Owlflight. Ravenheart hissed playfully.
"Get off of us, you badger!" She growled, earning a gasp from Buzzardwing.
"I'm not a badger," she meowed, " Oakcharge is!"
"Am not!" Oakcharge yowled loudly, earning a few looks from the other cats in camp. Harespring, the deputy, bounded over to the group of young warriors.
"Will you four quit yowling like kits?" He scolded, flicking his tail in irritation, "Why don't you all do something productive. Go and hunt, Owlflight and Buzzardwing will need strength for their coming journey." Oakcharge dipped his head.
"Okay, Harespring," he agreed with a flex of his broad shoulders, "Come on you crazy furballs , let's go hunting."
"Wow, great catch Owlflight!" Ravenheart meowed, delighted. "That squirrel could probably feed all cats in the Nursery!" Owlflight huffed in annoyance, licking the fur on her chest furiously.
"That squirrel got in my way," she growled, "I was tracking the rabbit that should be just beyond the ridge." Ravenheart was about to respond when a sudden movement distracted her. The rabbit Owlflight had been tracking suddenly broke over the ridge, Oakcharge a hare-length behind it. Owlflight jumped into the hunt without second thought, hoping to corner the rabbit. She didn't notice that Buzzardwing was already lying in wait for the prey and promptly stepped on the white she-cat's tail.
Buzzardwing let out a loud yowl, startling the rabbit further. Ravenheart leapt neatly into the disarray and delivered the killing blow. Oakcharge stopped beside his sisters, panting heavily.
"Great catch, Ravenheart!" He praised, before turning to Owlflight and meowed meekly, "Bad luck?"
"It's always bad luck," Owlflight growled angrily, "What kind of cat messes up an ambush hunt that badly?" Ravenheart sighed.
"It's not your fault, you were trying to help. Owlflight huffed in annoyance before continuing her hunt. By the time they four cats finished hunting, they had gathered the rabbit, squirrel and two shrews.
"Well done, you four," Whitetail purred from the spot she was sunning in outside the elders den, "Now bring me one of those tasty looking voles." Owlflight's chest rumbled with laughter. She set down her prey and took one of the voles to the kind elder.
"Here you go, Whitetail," she meowed, and Whitetail gingerly took the prey from her. Owlflight was about to pad away when Whitetail stopped her.
"Owlflight? Will you sit with an old she-cat for a moment?" Owlflight tipped her head in confusion. She settled beside Whitetail, letting the sun warm her fur. Whitetail offered some of her prey, and Owlflight happily accepted. Whitetail licked a paw lazily as Owlflight took a bite of the warm vole. "You know Owlflight, I took a journey too when I was younger. I was on a quest with Sedgewhisker and a few other cats from each Clan. It was very dangerous, I remember, a cat from RiverClan called Rippletail died on that mission." Whitetail looked at the young warrior.
"I know you are a very capable young cat, Owlflight," the elder meowed, " but please, be careful. Beeflower is my daughter, and I know she'd be devastated if anything happened to you or Buzzardwing on your journey." Owlflight gulped down the vole she'd been chewing, and reached over to touch noses with Whitetail.
"I'll be safe, Whitetail," she murmured, "I'll make sure we reach the rising place safe." There was a glint of promise and determination in the brown tabby's eyes. StarClan will guide me, she thought, If there is anything I truly believe in, it is surely the wisdom of my warrior ancestors.
Warriors Fanfiction: Super Edition-Owlflight's Path
Fanfic************ALL CREDITS TO ERIN HUNTER, CREATORS OF THE WARRIORS SAGA, I OWN NONE OF THESE IDEAS, TERMINOLOGY, ETC.***********~Enjoy!! Owlflight is a WindClan warrior, whose only had her warrior name for a short time. She is constantly reminded of h...