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"Let me love you, I promise you'll return the favor."
               - Igwe Sharon stone



"I will always love you, forever."

"Forever might be too long, don't you think?"

"Never for us."

"I love you Nath."

Jonathan Chidi was sure of forever. The way he felt for the woman in his arms was a novelty he couldn't live without. As the second child of three, he won't say he lacked affection or attention. He had that in allure.

Jonathan could remember the day he met Laura, it was one of those days that would always be imprinted in his memory.

He had met Laura at the mall, not a clichè way to meet the love of your life, but she definitely changed his, in ways he was yet to realise.

It was raining and she was standing in wait for a taxi. He wanted to drive by at first but he just couldn't, when he saw what a wet puppy she was in the rain. So he stopped right in front of her and asked her in.

Jonathan took his time to take in her attratctive features. She had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen, brown and fully round like a saucer. She was dark skinned but what people called 'chocolate' in complexion, her slim neck held her slim pretty face which was supported by a very attractive, lean, curvaceous body. He knew he was staring. He couldn't bring his eyes to focus. There was something about her that intrigued him and for every moment Jonathan stared at her, he knew he wanted more.

She looked at him fiercely as he asked her to come in. 

"Why would I do that? I don't even know you." She swiped her slim fingers through her curly hair as she walked farther from him.
He never expected that, infact he thought she was funny.

A man like him never got rejected by women in any way, that was his act.

"It's either you stand here looking like a soaked puppy or you get into my car. I promise I'm not going to hurt you." He hoped he didn't sound desperate. 

He wasn't. 


"I just want to help." He thought she was still going to argue. 

He was right.

"Well thanks, but I don't need..." Her words paused in her lovely lips as thunder followed after a striking chord of lightening came along. 

She froze.

"Let me see an ID at least." She stretched her right hand, which he noticed was very straight and smooth.

He pulled out his ID, not all though, he knew how people felt about his father and letting her know he was a medical doctor and a former surgeon might not be wise for his case, it would only help her serial killer suspicions.

She read through the piece of identification thoroughly like it would reveal his darkest secrets then returned it.

Another thunder, louder and more sky-quaking, but by the lightening came along, she had gone round the car, gotten in and fixed her seat belt already. 

He smiled at how quick she moved, "you good?" She nodded swiftly then he drove towards her recited directions.

A few silent minutes passed, it was not the comfortable kind, it was close to awkward.

He just had to say it. 

"So, you're scared of thunder." He didn't try to hide his amused grin. 

"Fuck you." She noticed it wasn't a question.

Then he laughed because her pout certainly revoked the confident streak she had at the mall.

Then she did too, the sound of her laughtger cooled his ears, it sounded like a sweet tune to his ears-only.

"I'm scared of lightening actually, it reminds me of my father's funeral."

He blinked in suprise, he didn't know why she told that to him. He didn't know what to say, he didn't want to tell her what he was sure she heard alot; sorry, I know how you feel, its going to be okay. He wanted to give more than words.

So he let his impulsive bone run free and  he reached out for her hand and squeezed them lightly.

He felt a light freeze and an extra shiver run through his bone as her fingers settled in his palm. He felt serene when she looked at him with a mild smile.

"I will protect you from all the lightening in the world." He chuckled slightly as he feigned an heroic voice, his chest stomped in defence and his chin towards the air.

She laughed at his attempt to cheer her up. "You'd be a terrible superman." Then her eyes grew soft and her cheeks smiled brightly, "but that's the silliest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you."

He smiled with a little macho pride and squeezed her palm lightly. "I was going for batman."

"Batman will never offer a stranger a ride in his batmobile." She replied and squeezed his thick fingers in return then pulled it away to turn on the radio.

A soft vibration of Afrobeats filled the car, the silence consumed by great music.

Jonathan's walk down memory lane ended as he pulled his girlfriend and soon - to - be fiancée closer to him. Enclosed in each other arms under a white duvet, they kissed, made love and spoke about everything and anything.

Together for two years and still in so much love, they knew they had forever together.

"I love you more, Laury." He knew she disliked that nickname but it was absolutely amazing to watch her giggled after a lazy frown everytime.

Nothing could make Jonathan Chidi and Laura Taiwo more blissful.

Nothing could erupt their happy place.

If a crystal ball were to locate the pacific couple, their assurance might simmer to dust.


Hey guys, so this is a romantic - thriller i.e a mixed genre, meaning your toes are about to curl in both suspense and excitement.

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