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Eight months ago, Febuary 10th.

Jonathan was sure to miss his flight. He hated public airplanes. He bought his private jet years ago but he he was just informed that he was to use a public plane to get to Lagos because of incompetence fools he called professionally trained pilots. They forgot to get an engine fixed in the jet and the odds of him getting another one in the next thirty minutes were very slim. He could get a new one in the next one hour but not in thirty minutes, he knew because he had received word from his pilot, who called every company, that the best duration he could get was in sixty minutes. 

Bullshit! He could buy their company in a blink of an eye. Be calm Jonathan, anger won't work things out right now, he told himself.

Jonathan hated unplanned situations. He made few calls for an immediate flight. Luckily, he was among the first billionaires to invest in almost every international airport in Nigeria. He didn't need to hustle for a first class flight in the next thirty minutes.

He also called Philip, his head pilot to dump the private jet. He didn't want it anymore. It was better throwing his anger at a million dollars object than his longest and oldest pilot. The one reason he was still smiling was because he was in a really good mood. It was his ten year anniversary and Laura still made him smile despite weary times and cry out of happiness. 

She was the reason he left New York yesterday, just to get to Nigeria. He was presently at Abuja, to get Laura a beautiful necklace he noticed before he had left for New York. Jonathan could have ordered it but he wanted to behold it's beauty again and maybe be a little old fashioned, picking it out would be more personal and special. He was sure she would twist about how expensive it was but that wouldn't stop him. She owned him and he would go to any length to cherish what was his. 

Jonathan had wanted no delay. What a wish!

He ate his breakfast after sending a text to his resident driver to prep the car for the Airport. He didn't rush. Jonathan knew he was getting to Lagos as early as possible, no matter what. 

He called out to the house keeper, Nana. He informed her that he was leaving after giving her a folded cheque. He trusted Nana and Pappi with his storey buliding over in Abuja. They were the care takers of this particular one. He got the top floor all to himself, designed exactly like a penthouse. He did that in ever building he owned all-over the world. 

Nana appreciated him in native praises after receiving his token. They were one of his favorite people as their transparency made him feel safe. She called some boys to carry his bags to the car. He got in after giving the boys some tips then nodded a goodbye.

"Let's move." He operated his iPad then he spoke to some of his associates overseas on a conference call. He had just signed a million dollar deal on 'Children and Environmental Charity' in New York. His goal was to go global and he was almost there. In the next two years, medical care, psychological efficiency and biological agricultural production will be as bold as an obelisk.

Jonathan got to the airport in time. He handed his driver a huge tip for driving safely in full speed. He was greeted and taken to his reserved seat. He ordered a fruit juice though he wanted a cup of coffee. Maybe later.

After five minutes, they were in the sky. 

The air hostess asked him if he needed anything. He rejected her offer everytime she asked. It was her fifth time in the last ten minutes. He didn't bother looking up to her to respond. He knew what to expect; a pretty lady in a skimpy uniform outlining a body that views all her curves and a face that wore a smile that could make any man fantasize. He got alot of those, that's why he had refused any hostess on his private jet. 

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