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A man could elapse into woe with ever dignity of nostalgia.

That man, in this case was not defeated but was almost ready to surrender. However he could never surrender because the feeling of the unknown would always gnaw at him for the rest of his  life.

Jonathan sat at an open bar thinking of how it was even possible to survive a year without his wife when he was sure he couldn't survive a day. His mother in-law thought he needed a therapist. He only needed his wife.

He received a call from his secretary that a detective has been leaving voice messages and regular visits at his office.

He didn't want an investigation or wanna-be detective looking for a case in his wife's situation.

Why didn't they get it! He just wanted Laura.

He paid the bartender after taking a full gulp of his drink. He hated bars, they stink.

He staggered to his car, threw himself in and just sat there. He had nowhere to go. For the past one year he has been horrible at everything, at home, at the hospital, he didn't even know what to say to his daughter anymore.

He was stumbling without his life partner.

He looked like a drunk, he smelt like one too. Damn! He couldn't meet Katey this way. He was suppose to meet her and his mom at the hospital.

Everyday he heard her voice in his head, everyday he woke up to an empty bed and from different frightening dreams. Everyday was another day without Laura.

She was coming back. She had too. She must.

Jonathan needed to call his mom to let her know that he might be late, he had to freshen up. She would scold him if she perceived his stench.

He checked his pockets for his phone, then under his seats. Everywhere.

Where was the stupid thing!

He came out from his car and staggered back to the bar.

"Hey, did I leave my phone here?" He gestured with his hands aimlessly as he spoke to the bartender. He definitely sounded like a drunk.

"Yes sir." He watched the young bartender go into a small room, then he came out with his phone.

"Here you go sir, all intact." He reached out for his phone and dipped his other hand into his pockets and brought out a sum of money, he was to drowsy to count it so he just tipped the bartender and returned to the sanctuary of his automobile.

He found his keys without trouble. He put them in the ignition and drove off.

His phone went off in a loud iPhone ringtone but he didn't want to talk to anyone. When he saw the caller ID, 'Laury's specialist'. He picked it up in a gif.

He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Good day Mr Shola, I hope nothing's...."
"She's awake sir. Your wife is awake!"
"What did you say!?" Jonathan almost ran into a motorcycle. He swerved back to balance. He wanted to be sure. He heard the words but his brain was too damn slow.

Stupid alcohol.

"Sir, your wife is awake, she's going through various test as we speak, no results yet but we were hoping you could..."

He dropped the call. He wasn't sure he understood but he wanted to be there with his wife more than ever.

Adrenaline controlled every manual process he made. All form of stupor was gone.

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