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Two days earlier,

"Oshodi oshodi okè... Oshodi oshodi okè!" The bus conductor shouted repeatedly as passengers fought for a position in his yellow bus.

Jonathan hated traffic. He loved Lagos but disliked the traffic, especially when he had an important place to be.

He had left the house early enough to avoid a hindered flux.

He was on his way to his office, he had an appointment with the detective who he has been dodging for a whole year. Jonathan decided to talk to him after the revelation brought to him by his elder brother, Jackson, of their father.

That bastard was released, Jonathan couldn't believe it.

He never had the desire to know his father as a child and nothing has changed.

Speaking of desire, his mind went back to yesternight and how much he had done with laury. He was supposed to be patient but he had almost made love to her. He needed to stop thinking about her. Having a hard-on in traffic wasn't exactly phenomenal.

He needed to be focused. Alot was at stake, including his marriage and the life of his family.

Don't overreact Jonathan.
It just your father.

Jonathan didn't want think of it as 'just his father'. That was the reason he arranged for both he and Laura's family to move into the mansion or one of his many apartments. He believed everyone closer was ideal. The mansion was definitely big enough.

He felt relaxed and at peace with everybody who Marcus, his father, would think to touch and harm being close and safe.

Laura's upcoming operation had to be done smoothly. He knew it held a 50/50 chance. Yet the laury he knew wouldn't want to live without her memories. She was someone passionate and pratical.  One of her selling points in her business was her brains and he knew sooner rather than later she would want to stop being idle and get back work. She needed her health in perfect condition for that.

He heard horns and shouts, "Oga move your car na. Wetin happen!?"

He gave an apologetic wace then geared his Jeep into drive and drove off.

Luckily the traffic had cleared.

He arrived in his office on time.
He strolled past his assistant, he didn't know her name. Chioma changed his office assistants almost every month.

"Is my visitor in?"

"Yes sir, he's in your office sir".

Jonathan walked into his office. With the detective's back to him, he had the chance to take in the lanky, tall and elderly man at his desk

He walked over to his bar and poured a bottle of Scotch into a glass.

"You drink?"
"No, thanks for the offer."

Jonathan grunted a response and moved to sit with a knee over the other.

"So Mr Martin, how may I help you?" Jonathan had ordered his head of security to run a background check on the detective. It was hard but it was done.

The detective was suprised at the mention of his middle name. He hid his suprised quickly and smiled.

"I think I'm the one to help you Mr. Jonathan."

"Okay. Let me understand you better, explain yourself. I haven't got all day." Jonathan missed his wife and kid.

That was where he wanted the most.

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