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Dedicated to my fellow November born!🎊
The eminent estate, known for it's elegance and huge mansions held little or no sound. It was free from disturbing noise on a normal day but not at that moment.

A family held a jamboree which held the estate in a new kind of view. The street lights were colorful and the liveliness was contagious. There was a celebration going on, happy faces present and series of mirth ran through the air giving the atmosphere a joyous rhythm.

The kids were playing, adults were catching up while trying to pay close attention to ongoing conversations and their oblivious kids all at once, the food and drinks went round the room bringing a glint of gratification to the faces of the guests, especially the little ones.

It wasn't a formal celebration, by the comely movement and gestures of the poltroon, you could see the informality in the room.

All that subtle information were scrupulously conserved by the man in the black Toyota Camry not too far from the house of Jonathan Chidi but in a hidden spot that gave the driver a view of every uncovered action taking place in the mansion.

He has been on watch for days and to be honest he was getting bored and uneasy. He wasn't the kind of man to sit still for a long time. After the army, he had looked for action wherever he could get it.

He got freelance jobs to take out an undesired target. He was qualified for every assassination assignment, no matter the circumstances, especially making a murder look like an accident.

Yes, he loved his job.

The adrenaline drive and cluelessness of the outside world. In his head he was every villian in a comic book, combined. He was the bad guy, he loved the thrill of pulling a trigger and knowing he could take a life just in a second anyway he wanted.

He had been at the top of all his classes in school and even in the army, he had been an information and behavioral analyst before deciding to follow his thrilling heartbeat to the front line. Some said he was traumatized and unstable.  He knew he was and he wouldn't change it for anything else. He loved his nightmares, they made him.

His looks helped him as well as his brains. His ingenuous face and manner gave him a free pass in a stereotypical world.

No matter how he had an odious reaction to mixing business with pleasure. That particular job held so much pleasure that he couldn't deny.
There was the huge amount of money he would get.

Then there was Laura.

Her face never left his dreams. She was stolen from him and he was going to get her back. She ruled his soul and mind. She was his, not that gormless billionaire who thought he was invincible. He was here to take the only woman that lingered through his bullshit with a smile. He was here to be the king and ruler in her life.

The first day he saw her, his nightmares mitigated as she took over his dreams and sickened fantasy.

He could remember it all, like it was the previous day.

"Hey there, are you lost?"

"Yes I appear to be."

"What are you looking for?" Her smile held so much trust and wiliness. He couldn't help but look at her from head to toe. It was a wonderful image.

"I need to get some gift from the children section." His scrawny boss gave him a shopping list, he had gotten all except the pink barbie set and video games for his boss's niece and nephew.

"Of course. That section is at the extreme end of the mall. Most people don't know while others are too tired to walk that far. I'll take you there, follow me." He loved her curly hair, it was black as it was soft, but the first thing he noticed and desperately wanted were her lips. The way they moved in unison, drawing his attention to her in every way was maddening. He wasn't new to ladies, he has had lots of lovers but the way this lady moved her fingers with gestures and friendly eagerness made him hard to his balls.

They spoke about random things but nothing about each other. He was glad about that. His personal life wasn't any lady's 'Mr.right'.

"So here we are. Hope you get all you need. Come back and shop with us next time. We aim to please."

Yeah, he really was pleased alright but he needed more pleasing from her and those lips.

So he asked her out, there on the spot and right there in front of the children's store, full of toys and every child's fantasy. She refused him.

"I'm sorry if you misread my jaunt approach. It's my job to make you feel comfortable and satisfied. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day." Her smile was gone. She gave him a nod before turning her back to him.

He watched her walk away, her curvaceous waist drawing his libido with every stride. She spoke to other customers, giving then the same jaunt approach and bright smile she had given him. He felt a strike of steamy jealousy.

He felt anger brew through his veins.

How dare she?

If only she knew who he truly was, she would be terrified to turn him down.

He walked off with his shopping bags to his - technically his boss's - car.

His anger reduced to mischief and thriving challenge. He was a trained and analystical killer who knew how to deal with tramps like her. Just as he had dealt with his whore of a wife. He would pull out her guts as she begged for him to forgive her.

He drove off with a cynical smile and of course, with a comfortable and satisfied feeling of thrilling suspense passing through his veins.

Three years and six months later, she was married to his scrawny boss with a child.

He had never felt so much pleasure to be vengeful.

Staring through his telescope into their home wasn't his idea but that of his long time mentor and actually master.

He preferred gathering information then taking out his target, but this was a delicate case. Their first plan had gone to the mud. They had to use more tactics and evade any form of suspicion.

It has been almost a month now since he was on a stake out in front of the mansion. He wasn't worried about getting caught. No one ever thought him to be the bad guy.

Upon all the security and secrecy, he was sitting here sipping a bottle of Pepsi, watching as she walked down the stairs, looking like a goddess. Her curly hair in a bun. Her lilac gown skimming close to her skin, brought out every curve of her thick body.  His whole body went stiff, an imagine of her naked as he made series of cuts into her skin with his blade, watching her bleed and feeling her squirm under his touch.

He chuckled at his eagerness. He has waited for years. Many, many years. He was a patient man but his groin wasn't.

He felt a vibration close to his left chest. He felt it and withdrew it out of his pocket.

The voice on the other side sounded calm but tensed. The voice informed him of his exist from the informal gala and of their new hasten plan.

"Okay sir."

"My patience is waxing cold. Isn't yours?"

"It is sir."

"Don't fuck it up this time. Do you understand Magnet?"

He hated orders and rebukes from any boss in general, but he couldn't live without it. It was how he functioned.

From his strict and abusive care taker at the orphanage to his bullying sadist of a commander in the army.

He has mastered being a pawn in the game. He always did his jobs right.

"Yes boss. I hear you."

The line went dead before he could finish his sentence. He put his phone back to it's former position.

When the game was finished, no matter his position in the game, he would definitely be very comfortable and satisfied.

To know what happens next...
Read on darlings!🧜

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