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"She displays vital signs of amnestic syndrome. Though it's a partial rupture of the brain aneurysm, it doesn't evolve deep into her neurons. The force of the constant hit on the steering wheel caused the rupture and a serious bleeding into the compartment surrounding the brain. The tear is minimal but the pool of blood clots increased pressure on the brain and has irritated the brain cell..."

Jonathan sat uncomfortably still, listening to his neurologist ramble on about facts he already understood.

For the past thirty minutes, he has been treated like a patient and has been told no valuable news that would help his wife's recollection.

He could envision her blank eyes fixed to his and that dreaded question slip out from those succulent lips.

He had called a meeting. Specialist and Ph.D doctors yet he was getting no solutions.

His wife had amnesia.

The good news was that it was possibly temporary. The bad news was that her memory vitals were that which no one could comprehend. Her brain cells seemed confused and scattered according to the neurologist.

That was why he had decided to call on a lady he wasn't sure he wanted to anything to do with. Kelechi obi.

His ex-girlfriend and former minor social stalker.

She led an impressive court of high esteemed psychologists and mind attainers. He had all that too but in this area, not the best and he needed the best

Jonathan definitely got what he wanted.

Mind attainers were rare. They were psychics who, not withstanding their supernatural belief, also indulge in medical cases and are certified doctors. He would go for any kind of doctor at the moment.

The neurologist was explaining to him how his wife's brain rupture could lead to a complete memory loss if not operated on in fifteen days.

Jonathan was suddenly fed up of his brain talk.

He looked around his office. No one was able to disable an ultimate solution.

Jonathan's gaze sighted Segun. Segun has indulged in brain storms even before the meeting was called but he could see his fallen expression.

Jonathan received a slight nod from his friend which divulged alot of agreement.

"Everybody out!" Jonathan's calm voice rang through his office capturing everyone's attention.

"But sir..."
"What decision..."
"I am certain..."
"I'm not through with my expla..."

He heard pointless blabs and flaps.

"Everybody quiet!" His calm voice erupted to an outburst which produced immense quiet.

"My wife has been in a coma for a year. I am not listening to anyone's crappy excuses anymore. I called you all here for answers, not to flaunt your degrees and pass me off with stupid excuses. Since I can't get a solution from anyone, I shall seek it elsewhere. Regardless, you all have been wonderful and exquisite. You can all get back to your duties now." He dismissed them with a wave of his hand.

Everyone scrambled out except Segun and the head nurse, Miss Promise Chidalu.

It was silent for few minutes before Segun broke the silence.

Jonathan loved the silence, his thoughts would parade with Laura's face and her wholesome smile which relieved his stress.

"What is your plan Jon?" When Segun felt like he was off duty, he called his dear friend by his social name.

"Guy, I'm still contemplating." He stood up from behind his presidential desk and strolled to the glass window that held a regular scenery of Lagos traffic.

Jonathan felt like those vehicles, his life was put on hold and it was almost suffocating.

"Sir, can I offer a suggestion?" Nurse Promise continued after I nodded, "Laury is mortified and confused at the moment. Anyone in her state will crave answers. I suggest we order Louisa, the head psychologist, to lure her mind out of worry and rampaging thoughts. It will help her understand and pull her mind to calm. She needs it sir, at least while we are still contemplating."

Jonathan dressed his brain around her suggestion and approved.

"You sound annoyed Promise, what's the matter?" Segun didn't waste time pointing out Jonathan's later observation.

Segun was always like that, straight to the point.

Jonathan turned around to face his two most trusted employees and friends.

"I'm just infuriated at the fact that we can't do anything to help Laura. I watched her ask me her age today and I almost cried answering her. I pray we are early enough to save her completely." Jonathan noticed her wet eyes.

Her words echoed what was on everyone's mind but Jonathan felt uncomfortable hearing it.

Segun walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "It's alright. Laura is going to be fine. She's smart and strong. Let's not forget that."

Promise sniffed between her continuous nods and her tears.

Segun's words soothed Jonathan too.

Maybe it was time to trust Laury.

"Get Louisa, let her proceed to my office so I may listen to her briefing. Then make sure my wife is well catered for and get Chioma in here." Promise stood up straight and alert as he blurted out his strict orders.

"Right away sir. Thank you for listening. I know Laury will be alright, we all do." She placed her thick hand on her chest as she ended her words. She directed a curt nod and shy smile to Segun's direction before her exit.

Promise was the strictly professional type. She never mixed business with pleasure or familiarity. It was what he favoured most about her.

"So are you going to call her?" Segun asked.
"Your damned ex, Kelechi."
"Yes and no." Jonathan watched Segun roll his eyes. He almost chuckle at his childishness.

"I don't have her number, but I don't need to. I'm going to make her come to me." Segun orbs shot wide as his lips twisted into a grin. He liked his friends tactic.

"Okay then. Let's do this bro." His words held false enthusiasm as his actions showed none.

No one would be excited to heed an ex-girlfriend who sent threat letters to your family and almost blew up your luxirious condo with your wife and eight months daughter in it.

She had gotten off easily because of her ludicrously wealthy father, who was a senator.

Jonathan had ban her from his house hold.

He despised the fact that he had to seek some kind of assistance from her but for Laury, he would do anything.

In any case, that wasn't his most pressing issue

Thoughts ran through his mind, scattered ideas, he was trying not to focus on his wife's face or drift into their lovesome moments.

He failed.

The truth was that he was gutless to face his wife again. His heart slumped at the memory of her lack of recognition.

He sighed in partial surrender.

He moved to his private bar and opened a bottle of Hennessy.

He offered a glass to Segun as he noticed his friend's quieten expression.

"You good bro?" Jonathan enquired, thinking it might have to do with his wife.

After few long seconds of silence and a long, heavy sigh. Segun paced to the bar, sipped his drink thoughtfully then voiced out his query, "Do you think Nurse Promise likes me?"

Jonathan stared at his friend with empty suprise. It seemed Segun was finally ready to accept the intense attraction he skillfully ignored.

Instead of answering his friend, Jonathan's head ran backwards as he laughed without edge.

The absence of his laughter for over a year had a strange tune to his ears.

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