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Eight years later.

  Ring Ring Ring...

Mornings were really hectic for Laura. She had business meetings and appointments.

Laura was comfortable with having a stressful day aslong as it would end great. She grinned in excitement as she remembered she and Jonathan's ten year anniversary dinner.

She was exhilarated but also a bit nervous. Jonathan always made her feel that way.

She would always prefer calling him Nath as a nickname, she knew it was a weird nickname for 'Jonathan' but she liked it and Jonathan wasn't a fan of his full name either, she always teased him about it though.

Oh my God

She screeched when she realized she was supposed to call him ten minutes ago, she was sure he was the one calling. 

If only she could just find her phone. 

Her alarm had rung that morning but she had been too tired to wake up by 5am, she knew she was late, but if Nath hadn't kept her up on the phone...

Ring Ring Ring...

It was his fault though, so let him call. She told herself.

Who was she deceiving, she wouldn't think straight If she didn't pick up his call, Laura thought as she began her search.

She found it, under her pillow.

Typical Laura. 

She was once looking for her pen and it had been hanging at the back of her ear the whole time, Nath found it and teased her about it for weeks.

Ring Ring...

"Hello baby." Laura couldn't help smiling like a fool as she brushed her teeth in front of the bathroom mirror.

"Hello sweetheart." It wasn't Jonathan's voice.
"Oh, hi mom, good morning. How are you doing?" She rinsed her mouth with water finally as well as her toothbrush.

"I'm fine sweety, how are you?" Her mom sounded neglected as she returned her daughter's question with a low sigh. It was a sign Laura was about to be grilled or guilt-trapped.

"I'm good mom." Laura's voiced, cautiously. 

One hour was all Laura had to pick up Katherine, her daughter, from her sleepover, clean up a little, prepare for work, drop some packages for her elder sister, Lola and head to the office. 

Oh! and call Nath about their dinner reservation. 

It was their ten year anniversary, right from when he had asked her to be his girlfriend, people thought it was strange, but they felt otherwise. To them, that was the right anniversary date even after their wedding.

Her predicament was how to tell her mom about her busy schedule in a nice way, so she wouldn't feel bad.

"Did you need something mommy, because I'm quite busy right now." 

That's right Laura, straight to the point.

"Nothing really, I just miss my grand child and I was just thinking if she could come over for the weekend." Laura could hear the silent hope in her mother's voice.

Her mom and her mother-in-law, Mrs Naomi Chidi, didn't really see eye to eye, despite the fact they lived together, they both get jealous when one was given more attention than the other, they were just like kids.

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