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"Family comes first. Always and forever."
                -   IgweSharonStone


He strolled back to his isolated office, thinking over and over again about questions he wanted - needed - to ask his new guest.

His nerves were spiked and he was frightened of the truth but he knew he could handle it. The past year has shown him a side of him that was stronger and seemed different even though he couldn't explain it yet he could feel it in his bones.

He sat down on his chair, replaying his conversation with his wife's supposed godfather, repeatedly but it just didn't make sense.

Slowly he could feel a migraine coming on, which was the last thing he needed at the moment.

Reaching towards his drawer, he took out a painkiller. Poured himself a bottle of alcohol and swallowed his medicine along side a half full glass of scotch.

A twinkle ring came from his desk after he dropped his cup. Noticing his phone's displayed brightness, he flipped it over and read a text that made his whole day, at least most of it.

Hey, you busy? It's Laury.

His lips went into a twist with his thumb as he grabbed softly on it, he could feel his cheeks and jaw relax in a smile. It was a strange contrast.

After a few seconds of thought, his thumb went flying on his phone keypad.

When last did he text anyone this casually? Everything has been so serious and gloomy lately. He thought as he asked his wife how she was and whose phone she was making use of.

I'm doing great, my sessions are still weird though but it going well. Your mom got me the phone. I asked for it. I want to be able to talk to you.

He chuckled at her reply, but before he could respond, another text came in.

I'm sorry I know I'm rambling. I hope I'm not disturbing.

No, you're not.


He knew because of her amnesia, it was strange and a bit alien to her mind but he loved being able to talk to her no matter how far they were, even under the same roof.

How's your day going so far?

Oh its great.

He expected a longer reply but he smiled once he realized the reason for her withdrawal.

You can ramble to me. I love it. So tell me, anything you want to.

His phone gave him a notification of her typing, he could feel his guts clench in excitement. He felt like a teenage boy hitting on his crush.

Katherine and i had a great walk with her grandmas. I had a session with Louisa but she seemed absent today, a bit lost but she was fine again. I ate lots of ice cream, order of Katey and I read two books from the library. I know we live under the same roof and you are busy but I think you should spend more time with Katherine, she misses you.

Jonathan's smile dissolved, guilt and sadness crept up his conscience. He truly hasn't been around Katherine for four days, considering how they were stuck to each other since her mom's coma. He hated cereal but he missed her little arms reaching out to get them out of a cupboard and he missed how she bullied him to eat when he was about to starve himself to death. He had been so depressed about Laura that Katey had taken care of him in a way. Now that Laura was back, he needed to prioritize his goals. His family came first and as much as he would fight for them everyday, he shouldn't neglect them.

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