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Once upon a time Laura would have been ecstatic to know she was about to travel. It was one of her favorite things to do. Yet, no matter how she tried to feel relaxed, dread filled her soul.

The life of two important people in her life were in danger and she had to find a way to resolve it all.

The best way for her to do so was to start from the root.

When Jonathan had suggested that she should go to her village, grief had gripped her soul. She knew she couldn't go back, her traumatized childhood had began from there.

She wasn't scared to go back, she just wasn't ready to face her demons.
She had been stuck in that trauma for a year, reliving every moment of that day's despair.

Nevertheless she knew it wasn't time to choke up on fear, she needed to swallow it whole.

Her god - father, Yinka Thomas, had decided to follow her. His presence made her feel better.

After everyone agreed on their tasks, Laura had gone to change into warmer clothes, the North had a tendency to be cold. She could still feel her nerves screaming at her to sit still.

She was about to leave her bedroom when Jonathan came in.

They stared at each other, both uncertain of how to say the words in their heart.

Sacred it could be their last or it could be their only chance to.

Laura made the first move, she took shy steps across the room and stood directly in front of him.

"You owe me dinner."

"What?" Jonathan looked at her perplexed.

"You don't remember, I thought that was my thing?" She smiled as she took his hand and pulled him closer. His chest was an inch away from hers.

She waited for him to understand that she meant their anniversary dinner that never happened.

Once he did, he chuckled and nodded and he took her smile in his mouth. He kissed her slowly. He wanted to taste every bit of her wet lips. He drew her closer, her lips gave out a sigh when he licked her upper lip and sucked on her lower.

Laura pulled away to hold his head to her shoulders. She kissed the nape of his neck and told him words she knew he needed to hear, "See you soon Nath."

She tore herself from his arms, afraid that if she stayed in them longer she might beg him to follow her but she knew he had his own mission which was more dangerous.

She forced a smile on her face then she walked out of the room. Her feet seemed to stumble on its own accord, it carried her from the staircase through the passage, into the palor and to the garage.

She could feel her heart weep but she wouldn't let her eyes fill up.

Yinka was already at the garage once she got there. He smiled at her, his smile held reassurance and promised guidance.

They both entered the back seat of one of Jonathan's Range Rover. Micheal was to drive them to Jonathan's private hanger.

"Are you okay my dear?" Yinka asked her three minutes into the drive.

Laura sighed before she answered, "I'm not ready at all. I'm happy I can finally get the chance to go back but I'm not a huge fan of the unknown."

"I understand Maggie," it was strange for Laura to hear that nickname again, "Even I myself had stayed away from the village massacre till last two years. I know it's not easy for you who just remembered everything and now have to face it. There is no way I would let you face it alone, even before Jonathan asked me to accompany you. I knew I had to."

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