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Marcus froze to his bones as the warehouse shook to it's core. The resounding explosion at the edge of the warehouse shook it's pillars and destabilized the walls. The intensity of the carsh had happened on his way to check on his granddaughter and threaten his pretty wife that wouldn't tell him where she hid every incriminating information she had bragged to have of him. The rampart beside him handled his weight as the force threw him at it. His ears rang in misery as he looked around to regain his orientation.

He heard footsteps running towards him which made him reach for the gun, he was ready to blow the intruder's brain to bits. He relaxed his grip around his firearm when he saw who it was.

"Marcus! Fuck, are you okay?" Lawrence's warped his hand under Marcus arm and assisted him to his station.

"I'm great. They are trying to come in. Make sure they don't get to Naomi and her grandchild. Hurry the fuck up! Go now." Marcus ordered as he dropped to a chair. He swirled his chair around, he watched his hired men get beaten by men who looked like they went to war for a living.

He stared at the footage in absolute displeasure. This wasn't the plan, it was obvious his sons had hired these professional goons. Marcus thought deepened his frown. He had one last card to play but she was late.

For the past few months of his arrival, he has been working with a young lady named Kelechi, who he knew to be his son's ex - girlfriend and a woman who despised Laura. They had an equal enemy and they had worked together to bring them down.

Kelechi had kept him informed about every recovery detail of his daughter in-law. Her last act was to deliver a fast means of transportation out of the country once he got his gold but she was nowhere to be found. He hoped the two-faced bitch wasn't making a fool out of him because he wouldn't let she or her family see the sun set ever again.

Marcus knew the acrid taste of defeat. He had felt that many years before law enforcements had barged into his home to arrest him. It was a feeling that could almost drive any man to the brink of insanity but Marcus wasn't just any man. He had survived the ridicule of mediocre villagers, he had stood up to the men who tried to bully him as they used his whore of a mother, he had fought against his love of a rich little girl and he had made a life for himself. From a little age he had learnt that love, respect and character meant nothing except you were wealthy, feared and highly influencual. He had searched for all these glamorous attribute and he had found it, in a village located in the North but he couldn't bring himself to go back there, no matter how tempting the gold was. He was terrified of the curse. He wanted the gold and also to live long enough to enjoy every bit of it.

Maybe the curse was responsible for this ambush, he thought as he stared at the yellow bus in the footage. He was waiting for a sign of movement from it's location but that area appeared dead while whosoever was being the siege against him was cutting down his men with ease.

He despised the fact that the thought to retreat was becoming more than a thought but an urge.

He began to move about his station frantically. He put every document that held any form of incrimination into a box.

"I never took you for a quitter Dad." Marcus wasn't accustomed to that voice but he could bet both of his balls it belonged to one of his entitled sons. He dropped the brown, packed box slowly as he turned around.

It was his second son, Jonathan. "Hey son, long time. We should probably get a drink sometime, you know, to catch up." Marcus snickered slowly as he saw the vengeful irritation from his son.

Jonathan measured each step he took as he got closer to his father. His father's response was a good cause to flip at him, but Jonathan knew he was here to stall.

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