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"Miley, we need to talk." said my uncle Remus. 

Like any other teenage girl, I didn't like the sound of that especially while I was trying to write an essay for my least favourite teacher. But I closed my ink bottle and moved to the kitchen where my uncle was. I sighed heavily, I hated this house. It was a painful reminder of my father's absence.

He had a fancy house somewhere and I was stuck in this isolated shack.

My name is Camilla Hope Black, daughter of the infamous mass murderer Sirius Black and the late Rhine Clearwater. I was raised by my uncle Remus Lupin and was home-schooled by him until last year when he had a job at Hogwarts and I joined the third years there. My best friend is Ginny Weasley. Oh, I almost forgot, I also have great intuition. I am a Seer. Back to the present.

"I have two surprises for you my dear." said uncle Remus. We were two weeks into the summer holidays but I swear this was his first genuine smile. 

"Ooh, I love surprises! What are they?" I asked eagerly.

"Miley, I know you hate this place - don't argue - so, I managed to save some of the money that I earned last year at Hogwarts, and I converted it to Muggle money and bought us a new house. Well not new but-" he never finished that sentence because I had jumped onto him and gave him a hug.

"We're moving? Where to?" I screamed in excitement. 

"It is a Muggle town close to London and it's not isolated either. I thought you would want to make friends." he told me.

"When. Are. We. Going? But, wait uncle Remus, what about your transformations?" I asked my excitement waning.

"The house has a large basement and Severus may still make me the Wolfsbane Potion." he said.

"WHAT? No way! I will learn to make that Potion myself. You know I'm good with them!" I declared.

"Miley, only advanced wizards can make that-"

"I'll make it. So, when do we move? Oh! I can't wait to tell Ginny! And Sirius!" I said gleefully. 

"We can move tomorrow, but don't you want to hear about the second surprise?" he asked. 

Please let it be that I'm going back to Hogwarts, I thought. "What is it?"

"Remember when you asked me if Penelope Clearwater was related to Rhine? Well I investigated it and it turns out that she is, and the house that we are moving into is next to the one she lives in. Where Rhine grew up."

I was rendered speechless. I knew that my uncle wasn't Rhine's biggest fan so this, this was out of this world!

"Miley, its okay if you don't-" he started looking worried when I didn't answer, but I overrode him.

"We will be living next to the Muggles that adopted her? Thank you uncle Remus. You have no idea how much this means to me!" I said giving him another hug.

"Oh I had better write to Ginny! Sirius too, and I need to pack, wow I have so much to do." I said flustered as I left for my room.

I immediately started writing.

Dear Ginny

Guess what? I'M MOVING! I know it's great right? I am sooo excited right now and the best part is that the house is not isolated either. It is also close to London so that's good too. So can you ask your mum if you can come by tomorrow to help me move in? Pleaaaaase Gin, we can even have a sleepover! I just can't wait. Now I have to start packing. Bye


I sent Orion with the letter while I wrote one to my dad.

Hey Daddy!

I hope you are okay, as for me I'm pretty cool. There's not been much news about you this side. Which means that you are losing your fame! Still that is good news.

So anyway, guess what? Uncle Remus bought us a new house! We're moving into to morrow! I can't wait. Although I really did want to live with you, we both know that that's not going to happen, so this is the best that I will get. We'll even have neighbours. And you won't guess what else. We will be living next to Rhine's family which mean that I'll get to know more about her!

I can't wait!

Take care


When Orion returned from the Weasleys, I sent him off with my dad's letter.

I started packing my stuff into my trunk. I didn't own much to be honest so it did not take me that long to finish putting everything in order. I stared down at my trunk which was mostly full of my Hogwarts things and almost cried. I wouldn't be going back to my friends and 'frenemies'. I would be stuck in some Muggle school. I fell asleep thinking about my cousin Draco Malfoy's offer that his father could provide me with financial assistance.

Ginny was sent to our house via Floo Network.

"Hi, Professor Lupin." she mumbled on arrival. I rolled my eyes at how she was still calling my uncle that even after he had left Hogwarts. I led her up my room to help carry my stuff.

"Are these all your belongings? All this stuff is mostly just clothes and weird Potion ingredients." she asked looking into my trunk and suitcase.

"Yup. Those are all the things that matter the most to me. Huh, I will miss this place." I said and Ginny raised her eyebrows, "a little, oh, who am I kidding: I definitely won't. Come on now, let's go down."

"You have been in there for a while. I disapparated with my belongings and borrowed a car so that we will look like a normal family moving into the house, while you were in there. Come on." said uncle Remus leading us to the car. It was a beautiful blue car. 

"Nice car." said Ginny. 

With a slight frown, I said "You borrowed it?" to my uncle.

"I might have had to Confound the guy, which is why we have to hurry so that I can return it. Are you coming or not?" he asked and both Ginny and I hopped into the back seat. My uncle did know how to drive but, he drove way too slow for my liking. 

"Uncle Remus seriously, you'll get a ticket for driving too slow. Hitch it up a notch!" I said along the way. He snorted as he increased the speed a little. 

"You are definitely Sirius' daughter. You wouldn't believe the speeds he and James got to, when they rode his flying motorbike!" he said indignantly. I locked eyes with Ginny and we both burst out laughing.

"I will buy one of those someday." I said referring to the flying motorbike.

"We are here!" said uncle Remus stopping the car after a couple of hours.

Trembling with excitement I got out of the car and took a look at my new home.

Hopeless : Sirius Black's daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now