The Burrow

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I had woken up with an itch on my left arm. A faint mark was there and it surprised me a little but I guessed it was one of my burns. I was still in shock days later, Old Voldy was alive. If you call that living. I shuddered to think about what he was. Honestly, anyone would be better of dead than that. He was plotting Harry's death.

And I had heard her voice.


She wanted me to save him.

"Miley you'll be late! Come on." called my uncle. I sighed, packing a couple of clothes and toiletries.

"I'm ready." I said arriving downstairs. 

"Honestly Miley you were supposed to be there at five. It's now half past!" said uncle Remus.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug. "See you after two days my dear uncle." I said taking the floo powder and shouting into the fire "The Burrow."

When I arrived at the Burrow, I walked into a scolding session. Mrs Weasley seemed really angry at Fred and George. 

"That was very irresponsible boys! You two are a lost cause-" she was saying.

"Good evening." I said pleasantly. They all turned.

"Oh Miley, hi." said Fred with little enthusiasm.

"Oh hello dear, welcome. Please make yourself home."said Mrs Weasley, it was amazing how quickly she switched her mood. 

"Ginny! Miley is here!" she called. Fred and George seized the chance to escape while she was distracted. Ginny came running downstairs. 

"Miley!" she said giving me a hug. She led me up to her room. It was tiny and with a poster of the Weird Sisters on one side.

"We're with Hermione so we are a bit cramped." she said and indeed three beds were cramped inside the room. As I put my stuff away Ginny asked, "So, how's Louis?"

"He's great. He actually helped me modify your mp3 player. He took a liking to you."

"That's nice. Let us go downstairs, so you can meet everyone." she said ushering me out after I put my stuff away.

We immediately burst out laughing as we got outside. Ginny's older brothers were making their tables fight in mid air. Hermione sped over to us. 

"Hi Miley. How are you?" she asked. 

"I'm great! And you? Where's Harry?" I asked. But I didn't need to wait, Harry and Ron arrived and Ron saw me first. 

"Hey Miley!" he called causing Harry to turn really fast. I beamed at them. I swear Harry nearly dropped the knives he was carrying at his feet.

"You must be Miley."said a voice. I turned to find that the eldest Weasley brothers had brought the tables down and one held out his hand, I guess he was Charlie as his arm had a burn on it. 

"Was that a dragon?" I asked in awe and Charlie grinned and nodded. Bill also shook my hand. His hair was tied back into a ponytail and he had a cool earring with a fang on it. 

"That is the coolest earring that I have ever seen." I said honestly but before he could reply, Fred and George stole me away.

"Hello my 'bosses'." I said grinning and they laughed.

"Is our stuff safe?" asked Fred.

"Are the forms ready?" asked George.

"Oh gee, one monkey at a time please."I teased. They both burst into laughter. "But the answer is yes, to both questions."

During dinner I sat next to Ginny ( across from Harry ), on my other side were Charlie and the twins who I turned away from because they were talking about Quidditch, boring.

I was glad that I was as far as possible from Percy. He was talking non-stop about his job. Penelope had told me that he had broken up with her because he needed to focus on his job. They were talking about the missing witch, Bertha Jorkins but somehow, I knew she was dead. 

"Dad found my mp3 player Miley. It is totally ruined! I can't hear the sound anymore." said Ginny.

"It's fascinating. How it works on ekeltricity. I was just experimenting." said her father.

"I'll fix it." I smiled.

Mrs Weasley was talking to Bill about his earring "..with a horrible great fang on it, really Bill what do they say at the bank?"

"Oh Mrs Weasley I think it's beautiful. I'm sure lots of girls dig it." I said causing Bill to grin widely. 

Mrs Weasley tried another tactic "Your hair is getting a bit silly dear. I wish you'd let me give it a trim."

"I like it. You are so old fashioned mum." said Ginny. 

I looked around at everyone. Smiling, talking and eating. This was family. I stole glances at Harry who sat listening in awe at the talk of Quidditch. So handsome, so happy. He should enjoy these moments. He needed them. Hermione raised her eyebrows, she'd caught me staring at Harry. I blushed and turned away.

"Look at the time! All of you should be in bed since you'll be up at the crack of dawn. Leave your school lists out. I'll get your stuff from Diagon Alley. Last time the World cup final lasted five days!" said Mrs Weasley.

"Wow, I hope it does this time." said Harry.

"I certainly don't. I shudder to think of the state of my in-tray if I'm away from work for five days." complained Percy.

"Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung in it again eh, Perce?" said Fred.

"That was a sample of fertiliser from Norway. It was nothing personal." said Percy.

"It was," George whispered in my ear. "We sent it." I giggled.

I had hoped for a peaceful night but fate had other ideas.

My dreams were plagued by a group of men in the dark in a clearing. My dreams were too quick to follow but I saw that they were levitating people into the air, laughing. They were also wearing masks.

But then something appeared in the sky and scared them off. I was gasping when I woke up.

I hadn't heard her voice.


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