Surviving popularity

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The following day, I decided to take a walk around the greenhouses so that I could clear my head. Actually I wanted to sneak a look at Viktor Krum and his friends sitting outside their ship. They would not be able to see me looking. The other day, I had seen them diving shirtless into the water. Bonus.

I couldn't help but wonder what Voldemort wanted with me. And what had he meant when he said that Rhine's magic had worked? I rubbed my left arm absently as it itched a lot these days. I guess burns itched when they were healing.

"Miley!" said a voice. I turned only to find Cedric Diggory behind the greenhouse. Well forget Viktor, Cedric was much better eye candy.

"Cedric! Are you hiding here?" I asked.

"No. I'm not hiding. What are you doing here?" he asked.

I gave my best smile. "It is my hiding place. Whenever I want to get away from people I come here." I said. He patted the space next to him for me to sit. 

"I hear you." he said.

"So, I never got to congratulate you on being a champion. You deserve it." I said.

"Thank you. So far it has had it's advantages." he said smiling.

Definitely handsome.

"So why are you out here and not surrounded by a bevy of female admirers?" I asked.

"That's exactly why." he admitted.

"So you are hiding! Don't worry I won't tell, I mean if I did then I wouldn't have you all to myself." Oh no. Did I just say that. Stupid Miley.

Cedric looked surprised. "Thanks, I guess." he said.

"I better be leaving. See you." I said practically running away. Stupid.

Things did not get better for Harry the next few days. The Hufflepuffs were being cold to us and the Ravenclaws were on their side. The Slytherins obviously became even more hostile to us. Harry was taking everything badly so I decided to look after him. When Hannah Abbot said that Harry was taking their champion's glory I told her to stick her head in a bowl of Bubotuber pus. When Ernie Macmillan and Justin FinchFletchely laughed when Harry's Bouncing Bulb wriggled free from his grip and smacked him in the face, I tripped Ernie and he fell over onto Justin.

"Everyone hates me." said Harry watching as Cedric walked by surrounded by a group of girls.

"No. It's just that he looks the part of a champion more than you do." I said and he raised his eyebrows. "Exceptionally handsome, straight nose, lovely dark hair and beautiful gray eyes." I said dreamily.

"Oh right. I had forgotten you are part of his fan club." said Harry walking away. I grabbed his hand to hold him back. 

"Hey, I prefer emerald green eyes to boring gray any day." I said. And indeed when he turned back to me, I forgot all thoughts of grey eyes and focused on the green. We stood there a moment longer before a throat cleared.

It was Blaise.

It took a moment to realise that I still held Harry's hand and I let it go. Blaise was glaring daggers at Harry. 

"Come on lets go to Care of Magical Creatures." I said walking up to Hagrid's house without turning back to either of them. It was a great lesson. We took the Skrewts for a walk although it ended up the other way round as the Skrewts ended up dragging us on the ground using the leashes.

My worst lesson was double portions but today was worse because Snape was testing our antidotes. When we reached the dungeons, we found the Slytherins all sporting strange badges. They glowed "SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY: THE REAL HOGWARTS CHAMPION"

"Like them Potter? But this isn't all they do. Look." said Draco pressing his badge. It changed to "POTTER STINKS."

Pansy Parkinson was laughing hard with her gang of Slytherin girls. "You too Daphne?" I asked and Daphne Greengrass just shrugged guiltily.

"Very funny. Really witty." said Hermione.

"Want one Granger? I have plenty. But don't touch my hand now, I just washed it. Wouldn't want a Mudblood messing it up." said Draco and he and Blaise high fived each other laughing.

"Draco!" I said in shock as Hermione said "Harry!"

They both drew their wands and chanted spells simultaneously. "Funnunculus."


The jets of light met in mid-air and ricochetted. Draco's spell hit Hermione and Harry's hit Blaise. I ran over to him only to find his face covered in boils. It was like a fungul growth. I barely heard Snape tell him to go to the hospital wing. Hermione's front teeth were growing alarmingly, past her collar. 

"I see no difference." said Snape. Harry and Ron started calling him words that no parent should hear a child say.

As we prepared our antidotes, Colin Creevy came for Harry saying they wanted to take his pictures. While making my Potion I was coming up with an idea that would appeal to Fred and George. To create a portion to turn Snape's head into a frogs.

"I assume you are done. I have the poison. We will test Miss Black's antidote. It is a lycaon poison." said Snape.

He was poisoning me with werewolf vernom. I took the poison casually as if I wasn't scared. My body started convulsing. I felt like I was chocking. I couldn't breathe, hell, I couldn't stand.

I fainted.







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